How to analyze survey data using ChatGPT?

Blocksurvey blog author
Written by Wilson Bright
May 31, 2024 · 5 mins read

Say your manager asked you to run a customer satisfaction survey, you have collected the data and it is done. Now you have to present a report with actionable key insights and the next step forward. How would you go about it? Survey tools of today do have great support for analyzing quantitative survey data but not for qualitative data. The real challenge for you is analyzing the survey responses, especially the open-ended questions. To get a better understanding and actionable items from the responses you receive, traditional methods can be time-consuming and often lack the depth of understanding to get a meaningful conclusion. To overcome this, AI tools like ChatGPT can help us get better insights into analyzing extensive data in no time. Read further to learn how to use ChatGPT to analyze the survey data.

Why use ChatGPT for survey data analysis?

Using ChatGPT for data analysis can be powerful. Here are some practical applications:

  • ChatGPT can handle requests for data analysis, providing summaries and interpretations based on provided datasets.
  • Identify the overall tone of responses and positive, negative, or neutral trends.
  • Pinpoint frequently used terms or words and identify key themes emerging from open-ended questions.
  • Group similar responses together, revealing underlying patterns and reducing the manual workload.
  • ChatGPT can summarize key findings and generate draft reports, saving you valuable time and effort.

What are the limitations of using ChatGPT for survey analysis?

  • The output of the analysis given by ChatGPT might not be accurate. It can hallucinate. You have to supervise it.
  • ChatGPT might need help with processing large or complex datasets. You’ll be pushed to use the API’s and build programs for large datasets.
  • ChatGPT is not good at Maths yet so anything to do with Quantitative data analysis, you have to supervise it.
  • The output quality depends heavily on the user's ability to ask the right questions or give instructions(prompts).
  • Handling sensitive data raises concerns about privacy and security.
  • ChatGPT faces challenges with unstructured or unprepared data.
  • It needs a deeper understanding of specific business contexts. You have to train it with your data for business contexts.

How to use ChatGPT for survey analysis?

Step 1: Prepare Your Data and Upload it using the file icon.

  • Remove incomplete or irrelevant responses to ensure data quality.
  • Structuring the Data: Arrange your data in a clear format, such as a spreadsheet or CSV file, with columns for each question and rows for each response.
  • Remove any PII(Personally Identifiable Information like Name, Email ID, and Addresses), PHI(Personal Health Information) or any sensitive information.

Step 2: Once the file is uploaded, briefly explain the survey's intent/purpose/objective, and the hypothesis or key assumptions you are trying to validate. This helps ChatGPT understand the data's relevance and know what it is.

Step 3: Next, ask specific questions(prompts) about the data you want to analyze.

For example, if you want to analyze and generate a report using ChatGPT for a customer satisfaction survey, you can use the following prompts, categorized by the sections you want to include: Top Insights, Action Items, Thematic Analysis, and Persona Analysis.

Top Insights

  • Summarize the overall satisfaction levels of customers based on survey responses."
  • Provide a distribution of responses for customer satisfaction levels with the company's products/services.

Action Items

  • Identify high-priority action items based on areas of very unsatisfied and unsatisfied customer feedback.
  • What specific steps can the company take to address the issues identified in the high-priority action items?

Thematic Analysis

  • Identify common themes and patterns within the customer survey responses.
  • What are the recurring themes found in the overall satisfaction levels and feedback?

Anomaly Detection

  • Highlight any categorical anomalies in feedback regarding product/service delivery and customer service.

Persona Analysis

  • Identify different groups of customers based on survey responses.
  • Create personas that represent different segments of the customer base.
  • Analyze the characteristics and feedback of each identified customer persona.
  • What are the key insights and improvement suggestions from each persona?

Emotion Analytics

  • Analyze customer feedback to identify expressions of frustration.
  • What issues are causing frustration among customers?
  • Identify responses that convey excitement or positive emotions.
  • What aspects of the customer experience are generating excitement?

Fatigue Analysis

  • Analyze survey data to identify points where users tend to drop off or lose interest.
  • What tips can help improve survey completion rates based on the drop-off analysis?

Data Summary

  • Provide a summary of the dataset used for the customer satisfaction survey analysis.
  • What key findings can be derived from the overall survey data?

Key Findings

  • Summarize the key findings from the customer satisfaction survey.
  • What are the main takeaways regarding customer satisfaction, delivery performance, and other relevant aspects?

Step 4: Let ChatGPT generate its analysis. Carefully evaluate its findings, considering the overall context and potential biases.

Step 5: Based on the initial analysis, refine your prompts and explore deeper questions to extract the most valuable insights.


While traditional survey analysis methods have their place, ChatGPT offers a powerful and time-saving alternative for diving deeper into massive data, particularly for open-ended questions. However, remember that ChatGPT is a tool, and its effectiveness lies in your ability to provide clear prompts and interpret its results. With this understanding, ChatGPT can be a game-changer, helping you gain a better understanding of your data and translate it into actionable strategies for continuous improvement.

So, the next time you're faced with a mountain of survey data, consider using ChatGPT to unlock a hidden world of data insights. If you find ChatGPT time-consuming and are not sure how to unlock key insights, and next steps and report them quickly with all the quantitative and qualitative findings, give BlockSurvey a try. BlockSurvey overcomes ChatGPT's limitations for survey analysis. It saves you hours and sets you on a path to actionable insights with the next steps in under 5 minutes. 

Sign up here to get started with BlockSurvey.

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Wilson Bright

Wilson Bright is the co-founder of BlockSurvey. He is an avid crypto enthusiast, and his vision is to make BlockSurvey a go-to infrastructure for data collection with a focus on privacy and security.


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