Genesis of BlockSurvey

Our rendezvous with Blockchain gave rise to an inclination towards starting something with Blockchain as the foundation technology. During the hackathon conducted by Stacks (July 2019) that the idea of BlockSurvey came into existence. Our interaction with various stakeholders and industry experts inspired us to develop something that "should not be evil" and "safer and more anonymous" in the digital world. 

We live in a virtual world – it's no longer independent of us. If we like it or not, the digital world is really fragile. Information may be robbed, digital life may be destroyed, and anonymity may no longer exist in its truest sense.

Our Backstory

During the Can't Be Evil hackathon conducted by BlockStack(now Stacks), we validated numerous concepts under Platform 3.0/Society 3.0, focusing on Upgrading the web and society to the next generation. We tested our assumptions and proposals through our colleagues, relatives, neighborhood using surveys and polls. We assumed the data collected using the platforms of today was secure and private for us. But we were wrong. We did secondary research on the existing platforms and found that they weren't private or safe. This lead to a revelation challenging the survey tools on the market and the data protection & security they bring in. 

cant be evil hackathon

This made us create a survey tool for ourselves, which will help us do market research most privately and securely. Also, connecting the dots, we felt our interactions with employee surveys at organizations weren't honest and genuine. We feared to voice the truth because the surveys were filled with trackers and naturally killed the genuineness. Frequent reminders for the survey to be completed in one of the pieces of evidence. Another is data being open and anyone being able to see it. We recollected hearing how employees were averse in giving feedback to organizations irrespective of the surveys being run internally or through a third party. There was no trustable system. Surveys weren't trustable. And they were flawed.

The online survey space is flooded with behavioral and demographic profiling systems that harvest information about your customers, employees, or respondents. Which makes the internet a scary place to share private information. Imagine being in complete control of your respondents' sensitive information, never again worrying about where it will end up or if it is safe. We believe that existing survey tools, though good, may not meet a criterion that will ensure absolute privacy and safety. This alarming thought and possibility have led us to come up with a solution in the form of BlockSurvey.

What BlockSurvey stands for

You own your data with BlockSurvey, and we fully believe this is your digital right. We called it "BlockSurvey," literally meaning "Survey on the Blockchain," allowing digital rights such as data protection and identity ownership. Our audiences are mainly people looking for a DIY (Do-It-Yourself) tool to gather data from a broader audience considering data privacy and security. We seek to ensure our consumers get the best options for privacy and data security.

With BlockSurvey, you will finally be able to collect the information you need and stop worrying about protecting your data and your participants’ privacy. We're your trusted solution provider, and we're proud of that.

Trusted by over 500 members

Brave Browser
Yuga Labs
Stacks Blockchain
Bitcoin Frontier Fund
IFF India
City of Columbia
IIT Kanpur

BlockSurvey uses the blockchain to keep your data private and anonymous.