Meet Bob

Bob works as a researcher. During his research, he collects sensitive data from his audience via surveys. He is concerned about his audience's privacy and the security of his survey data.

Meet Bob

Meet Alice

Alice enjoys assisting researchers and answers surveys to assist them. However, she is concerned about providing sensitive information because the platform provider may snoop in and identify her. It is not private.

Meet Alice

How can we help Bob & Alice today?

Bob opens BlockSurvey on browser. He signs up using Stacks DID(Decentralized Identity). This is anchored on blockchain. Not issued by BlockSurvey. There are no trackers, cookies, ads, or censorship. Bob is anonymous to the platform.

How can we help Bob & Alice today?

Decentralized Auth, Identity & Storage

BlockSurvey uses Stacks Blockchain for Decentralized Identity/Account(DID). BlockSurvey uses Stacks API for identity, auth, and storage management. This is the core working system that enables true ownership of the identity and data for you.

Decentralized Auth, Identity & Storage

Stacks Blockchain

Bob is in complete control of his identity and data all the time. It is his digital right. He gets a unique identity and private storage(GAIA), which only he can access. He holds his keys for his identity and storage. Not BlockSurvey or Stacks Blockchain.

Stacks Blockchain

Create your first form or survey

Bob as a data collector, can create forms & surveys from scratch or use BlockSurvey's templates. It's easy to create one in few seconds. The form or survey is private until published.

Create your first form or survey

Private by default

By default, all of Bob's data is encrypted end-to-end and stored privately in his private storage(GAIA).

Private by default

Publish your survey

Bob publishes his survey so that it is only accessible to the public via URL when it is published. The questionnaire can be viewed by anyone who has access to his URL. He  can now distribute them in a variety of ways by using BlockSurvey. In addition to Web URLs, QR Codes, Embeds and Widgets.

Publish your survey

Alice takes the survey

Alice opens Bob's BlockSurvey and feels comfortable sharing data with Bob without fear of BlockSurvey or anyone else having access to her data. There are no trackers, cookies, or ads.

Alice takes the survey

Respondents are anonymous

BlockSurvey does not use trackers, cookies, or fingerprints. All respondents/data providers, like Alice, can remain anonymous by default unless they choose to voluntarily disclose their identity in the questionnaire by filling it out their personally identifiable information.

Respondents are anonymous

End-to-end encryption

Alice's and other respondents' data is encrypted with Bob's public key and sent to BlockSurvey's temporary data store for collection. When Bob sees his responses, they are collected from BlockSurvey and transferred to his private storage (GAIA). The encryption happens at the client side / browser and not at the server side.

End-to-end encryption

Zero knowledge

All of Bob's data stored in BlockSurvey is encrypted using Bob's public key. BlockSurvey has no knowledge of his data and cannot understand any of it. Only Bob's key can unlock and see the data.

Zero knowledge

Private analytics

Bob, as a data collector, will collect Alice's data from BlockSurvey and store it in his private storage. Once completed, he will be able to decrypt the data and view it in the form of results and analytics using his keys in browser.

Private analytics
No credit card required
No time limit on free account