The BlockSurvey Manifesto:
Reimagining Surveys

BlockSurvey, established in 2020, stands on the twin pillars of privacy and security. In a world plagued by data breaches and leaks, we offer a unique solution-empowering businesses to collect data through surveys, all while ensuring privacy and security. Our original mission was to reclaim control of data ownership in the survey space, placing the power firmly in your hands. Now that is built and done. We aren’t stopping. We're committed to redefining the future of surveys, driven by a vision of creating immersive experiences in surveys, AI-driven efficiency for survey creation, survey data analysis, and building for Web 3 companies offering capabilities like two-way data ownership and token-gating.

The BlockSurvey manifesto is a set of principles that steer our platform's development. The reasons behind BlockSurvey's features and limitations are numerous, but they all stem from our collective commitment to reimagining surveys while upholding privacy and security. Please read the following statements to see what BlockSurvey stands for.

  • “With BlockSurvey - Own Your Data. Your data, your rules.”
  • “Delight respondents with immersive surveys.”
  • “Help businesses quickly get actionable insights to elevate their audience’s experience.”
  • “Constantly re-imagine how surveys are done.”

Trusted by over 500 members

Brave Browser
Yuga Labs
Stacks Blockchain
Bitcoin Frontier Fund
IFF India
City of Columbia
IIT Kanpur

BlockSurvey uses the blockchain to keep your data private and anonymous.