Social Media Gating for Forms & Surveys

Blocksurvey blog author
Written by Wilson Bright
May 24, 2024 · 5 mins read

Traditional surveys can be a gamble for businesses and communities to gain better insights. You might get many responses, but are they from the people who truly matter?

Imagine getting feedback only from genuinely verified users. This is where BlockSurvey’s social media gating feature can help, unlocking a new level of targeted data collection by verifying the user's social media identity.

What is Social Media Gating, and How does it Work?

Social media gating restricts access to surveys based on a user's verified social media identity. Here is the breakdown of how it works:

  • Choose Your Social Platform: Identify the socials that you want to collect. Choose X(Twitter), Discord, Telegram, Mastodon, Farcaster, or Github. Consider this based on your community. If you are a Web 3 company, it is usually X, Discord, and Telegram.
  • Gate Access By Social Identity:   When you gate it, Users connect their accounts by proving their social identity alone can move forward.
  • Grant Access: Verified users can access the survey to submit their responses.
  • Restrict Access: Unverified users cannot participate or take part.

Why use Social Media Gating? What are the advantages?

When you have a large open community where most of the members are pseudonymous, you don’t really know whether they are humans or not. When you survey such a target audience, there is a risk of attacks. In a Sybil attack, malicious actors create fake accounts to skew survey results. Social media gating makes this significantly harder by requiring real, verified identities.

There are several advantages to incorporating social media gating into your surveys:

  • Target Audience: By verifying the social identity on specific social platforms, you can filter out irrelevant responses.
  • Better Quality and Insight: Reduce the risk of unreliable data. Social media gating helps eliminate "Sybil attacks”.This is especially important for surveys with rewards or incentives. Gather more reliable data that accurately reflects your target audience's opinions.
  • Increased Engagement: Users may feel their contribution is more valuable knowing their identity is verified, leading to a more engaged participant pool.
  • Community Building: Social media gating fosters community within your target audience. By participating, users feel like trusted members who are providing valuable insights.
  • Fair Reward Distribution: If rewards are offered for survey participation, social media gating ensures they go to real participants, not bots.

How to set up Social Media Gating in BlockSurvey?

BlockSurvey makes social media gating setup very simple.Follow this step-by-step process:

  1. Choose Your Network: Select the social media platform. BlockSurvey supports token gating for X(Twitter), Discord, and GitHub. Support for more networks like Mastodon, Telegram, and Farcaster is in the works and it is coming soon.

  2. Set Conditions: Define the verification requirements under the social media gating tab.

  3. Multiple Conditions (Optional): Set up additional requirements if needed.
  4. Publish and Test: Publish your survey, open the BlockSurvey URL, and submit a test submission by verifying your social identity. If it's good, share the BlockSurvey URL and ask your respondents to participate.
  5. Submission Process: Verified users will be able to access and complete the survey seamlessly.

Use Cases

  • Airdrops and Whitelist Processes: Web 3 projects often conduct airdrops to distribute tokens or reward loyal supporters. With social media gating, project owners can ensure that only authentic individuals who meet specific criteria participate, fostering a stronger and more engaged community.
  • Token Airdrop Eligibility: Crypto projects can use social media gating to verify participants for token airdrops, ensuring that only genuine users who meet specific criteria receive tokens.
  • Web3 Developer Community Feedback: Projects focusing on blockchain development can use social media gating to gather feedback from verified developers on platforms like GitHub.
  • Exclusive Event Registrations: Organizers of exclusive events can use social media gating to ensure that only verified participants register.
  • Market Research for Product Development: Companies conducting market research for new product development can use social media gating to ensure feedback is gathered from real customers and not from bots.


In conclusion, BlockSurvey's Social Media Gating feature offers a powerful solution to the challenges of traditional survey methods. By verifying social media identities, businesses and communities can ensure that their surveys reach the right audience, leading to higher-quality data and more meaningful insights.

Ready to take your forms/surveys to the next level? Try BlockSurvey's Social Media Gating feature and enhance the accuracy and value of your form/survey by filtering out irrelevant responses, ensuring data quality, and gaining a clearer picture of your target audience's needs and opinions.

If you are a Web 3 company looking for a token-gated survey? Read more!

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Wilson Bright

Wilson Bright is the co-founder of BlockSurvey. He is an avid crypto enthusiast, and his vision is to make BlockSurvey a go-to infrastructure for data collection with a focus on privacy and security.


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