Data Ownership: Empowering Both Data Collectors and Providers

Blocksurvey blog author
Written by Wilson Bright
Sep 24, 2023 · 10 mins read

Two roles are paramount in data collection through forms and surveys: the data collector and the data provider. Historically, the scales have been tipped in favor of the data collector, leaving the data provider with little control over the information they submit. Once you hit that 'Submit' button, your data typically vanishes into a black hole far beyond your reach.

That paradigm is about to change.

We're thrilled to introduce the revolutionary "Data Ownership" feature in BlockSurvey. It's not just a feature—it's a commitment to rebalancing the power dynamics in data collection. Unlike traditional methods where your responses are unalterable and controlled by the collector, BlockSurvey's Data Ownership feature allows data providers to retain ownership, modify, or even retract their submitted data. This shift isn't just a technical advancement; it's an ethical stance aimed at fostering trust, enhancing data accuracy, and upholding the ethical standards of data collection and processing.

The Traditional Model of Data Collection: A One-Way Street

In traditional data collection models, the data journey is a one-way street. When respondents fill out a form or survey, their information goes directly to the data collector, often without a second thought. Once the 'Submit' button is clicked, respondents have little to no control over what happens to their data. It's as if their input is sucked into a black hole, never to be seen or modified again.

This model places all the power and control in the hands of the data collector. Not only does the data collector have the ability to store, analyze, and even monetize the collected data, but they also have the exclusive right to determine its accuracy and relevance. As a result, the data provider, who is often the subject of the data, remains oblivious to its use, storage, or any subsequent modifications. This feels unfair and raises serious concerns about data accuracy, privacy, and ethics.

The absence of two-way ownership in traditional models also poses challenges for specific use cases. For instance, in research studies, participants may wish to correct an error in their submission or withdraw their data entirely. Similarly, in customer feedback and HR surveys, the static nature of submitted data means that real-time updates or changes aren't reflected, which can be problematic for both the data collector and the provider.

In essence, the traditional model is akin to throwing your data over a wall and hoping for the best. It's time to dismantle that wall and introduce a more balanced, ethical approach to data collection.

What is Two-Way Data Ownership?

Two-Way Data Ownership is a groundbreaking shift from the traditional model of data collection. It is a democratization of data control where both the data collector and the data provider share ownership of the collected information. Unlike the old paradigm where data enters a "black hole" after submission, Two-Way Data Ownership ensures that the respondents can revisit, modify, or even retract their submitted data. 

This model fosters trust, as data providers know they have ongoing control and visibility over their own information. Moreover, it adds another layer of accuracy to the data since respondents can correct mistakes or update their responses. This is especially beneficial in dynamic situations where information might change over time—such as customer feedback or ongoing research studies. 

By embracing Two-Way Data Ownership, organizations can align themselves with ethical standards of data collection, ensuring transparency and fostering trust among their respondents.

How to Use Two-Way Data Ownership in BlockSurvey

Activating the Two-Way Data Ownership feature in BlockSurvey is a straightforward process designed to put you and your respondents in control. Here's how to enable it:

1. Log in to Your BlockSurvey Dashboard: Navigate to your dashboard and select the survey or form you want to edit.

2. Navigate to Settings: Once inside the Design of the form or survey, click the 'Settings' tab.

3. Go to Data Ownership: Scroll down until you find the 'Data Ownership' section. Toggle the switch to 'ON' to activate this feature.

4. Customize Identity: Optionally, you can customize what identities can be used by respondents to own their data—whether they can choose centralized email or social identities or web 3 decentralized identities.

5. Save and Publish: Once you've adjusted the settings to your liking, save the changes and republish your form or survey. 

After enabling this feature, respondents will be able to access their submitted responses from the 'My Responses' section in the BlockSurvey dashboard. This allows them the freedom to modify or retract their data as they see fit, establishing a balanced power dynamic and providing peace of mind for all parties involved.

Activating this feature is not just a technical decision but also an ethical one. By enabling Data Ownership, you’re prioritizing respondent trust, enhancing data accuracy, and adhering to the ethical standards that are essential in today’s data-sensitive world.

Importance of Two-Way Ownership

Ethical Standards: Two-way data ownership upholds higher ethical standards in data collection and processing. In a digital age where data privacy is a growing concern, offering your respondents the ability to control their own data is a leap forward.

Data Accuracy: If data providers can amend or retract their data, it naturally increases the accuracy of the information. It's a win-win for both parties involved.

Trust: Enabling two-way ownership builds trust between data providers and collectors, an asset that is becoming increasingly important in today's world.

Use Cases

Research Studies: In academic or clinical research, participants may need to amend their responses or even withdraw their data. Two-way data ownership makes this easy and straightforward.

Customer Feedback: Customers can now edit or even retract their reviews and feedback. This feature empowers consumers and can even improve the quality of feedback received.

HR and Employee Surveys: In a corporate setting, employees can update or retract their survey responses, ensuring that the most accurate and up-to-date information is always available.


Two-way data ownership represents a paradigm shift in how we think about data collection. It bridges the gap between data collectors and providers, ensuring a more ethical, accurate, and trustful data collection process. BlockSurvey is proud to be at the forefront of this change, and we encourage you to try our platform to experience the benefits of Data Ownership firsthand.

Data Ownership: Empowering Both Data Collectors and Providers FAQ

What is BlockSurvey's new "Data Ownership" feature?

BlockSurvey's "Data Ownership" feature is a revolutionary tool that empowers both data collectors and providers by allowing them to have complete ownership and control over their data.

How does the "Data Ownership" feature benefit data providers?

Data providers have the assurance that their data is safe and secure. They get to decide who can access their information, eliminating any potential data breaches.

Can I expect expert assistance in using the "Data Ownership" feature?

Yes, BlockSurvey provides comprehensive support and guidance in using the "Data Ownership" feature. Our team is always ready to help you navigate and make the most out of this feature.

How can BlockSurvey's "Data Ownership" feature improve my data collection process?

By giving you complete control and ownership over your data, it ensures a secure data collection process. It also gives respondents the confidence to share their information, knowing they have control over their data.

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Wilson Bright

Wilson Bright is the co-founder of BlockSurvey. He is an avid crypto enthusiast, and his vision is to make BlockSurvey a go-to infrastructure for data collection with a focus on privacy and security.


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