Improve the experience of your customers like no other

Make customer listening a top priority across your business. Collect privacy-focused customer feedback, analyze it, and act on it regularly.

BlockSurvey customer experience surveys

Good customer experience is not rocket science

When it comes to customer service, it’s important to remember that the customer is always right.

Build empathy with your customers

Seek closeness with customers with emphatic service to build an incredible customer experience.

Build empathy with your customers

Improve customer loyalty

Provide excellent customer service, and offer incentives to customers for their continued business.

Improve customer loyalty

Walk a mile in customers’ shoes

Try to see things from the customer’s perspective and understand what they want and need. This will help you to provide them with the best possible experience.

Walk a mile in customers’ shoes

How BlockSurvey can help you gather
feedback from customers

We are so excited and proud of our product. It's really easy to create a
survey with our awesome product.

  1. Positive experience

    Create a positive customer experience that is crucial to the success of your business.

  2. Loyal customer

    A happy customer is one who is likely to become a loyal customer, who can help you boost revenue.

  3. Word-of-mouth marketing

    Make your customer promote your business for you through word-of-mouth marketing.

  4. Customer impact

    Create and obsess over a great customer experience to make a profound customer impact.

  5. Improve brand awareness

    Customers are your best resource for growing your brand awareness. It's so important to make customers want to continue doing business with you.

  6. Customer satisfaction

    Using customer satisfaction surveys on a regular basis creates meaningful moments throughout the customer journey.

  7. Net Promoter Survey

    NPS measures how likely your customers are to promote you to their friends, family, and colleagues based on their experiences with your company.

  8. Personalized video

    Add videos to your survey to add context to the survey and show customers why their feedback is so valued.

What people say

Join 10,000 happy customers worldwide who are already using our amazing product.

“BlockSurvey is an amazing tool if you want to generate leads using quizzes or get customer feedback with the help of surveys or get customers to fill in the data with the help of forms.”
Digital Strategist
“The tool itself is well thought out, and flexible, with a robust feature set. The best of this tool is the support.”
“I have tried several survey tools, so far, this is the best one. No doubt I would recommend it to everyone to at least try it.”

Our well thought out use-cases help you get started

We provide a comprehensive set of templates for your customer services and products,
making it easier for you to start a customer experience.

Frequently asked questions

What is customer experience management?

Customer experience management is a fundamental component of a customer-first strategy because it demonstrates a clear investment in customer needs. By monitoring and enhancing different touchpoints along the customer journey, your company will consistently bring more value to users.

What is a customer-first strategy?

A customer-first strategy is also a data-driven strategy. In order to constantly improve the customer experience, your company must be constantly experimenting with new ideas and solutions.

How to make a great customer experience?

To make a great customer experience, make a customer journey map, create buyer personas, establish a positive connection with customers, ask for and act on feedback, create helpful content, and build a community.

What are the benefits of using BlockSurvey?

Your users can share answers, not identities. Customers can go anonymous while answering. Customer response is safe and secure. Modern design system to make the survey design and taking enjoyable. Advanced Analytics helps you to gather insights in zero time.

Does BlockSurvey work on both web and mobile?

Yes. BlockSurvey is a Web App and works fine on any modern browser and it is device agnostic.

How BlockSurvey help in enhancing customer experience?

Any customer insight data you collect through BlockSurvey is end-to-end encrypted. It protects the identity of the customer immaterial of the type of questions they answer. The customers are safe while you are trying to improve the customer experience.

Do you have built-in surveys to improve the customer experience?

Your users can share answers, not identities. They can go anonymous while answering. User data is safe and secure. Only users can unlock it to read it. Modern Design System to make the survey design and taking enjoyable. Advanced Analytics helps you to gather insights in zero time.

Does BlockSurvey work on both web and mobile?

Yes. BlockSurvey is a Web App and works fine on any modern browser and it is device agnostic.

How BlockSurvey help in enhancing the product experience?

Any product-related data you collect through BlockSurvey is end-to-end encrypted. It protects the identity of the respondents immaterial of the type of questions they answer. The respondents are safe while you are trying to improve the product experience.

Do you have built-in surveys to improve the product experience?

Experts from BlockSurvey have created templates related to the product experience. You can select a template and start using that to collect data, derive insights, and take action to improve the experience your product offers.

Do you store any data about my usage or run analytics?

No, we take data privacy very seriously. There are no trackers, cookies, or fingerprinting done. And we store no application or user data.

Join 500+ users across 50+ countries
using BlockSurvey

Create 3 forms or surveys
Get 10 responses
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  • Team
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See how other companies are improving
their customer experience