Social Media Addiction Questionnaire

Blocksurvey blog author
May 13, 2023 · 5 mins read

What is Social Media addiction?

Scrolling and clicking have become the most important cognitive functions of fingers after social media evolution in the digital space. The majority of people worldwide who are staying online often spend several hours of a day on social media alone. Social media, which is meant to connect families and friends, are now detaching people from families due to addictive behavior. Social media addiction is nothing but a behavioral addiction diagnosed as overuse of social networking sites, an uncontrollable drive to log on to it, and spending more no—daily hours in social media, affecting other aspects of life.

How social media affects the brain?

According to a recent study on social media addiction, it has been proven that self-disclosure on social media lights up the same part of the brain when taking an addictive substance.When someone experiences something rewarding or uses an addictive substance, neurons in the principal dopamine-producing areas in the brain are activated, causing dopamine levels to rise. Therefore, the brain receives a “reward” and associates the drug or activity with positive reinforcement.

social media addiction

Social media provides an endless amount of immediate rewards in the form of attention from others for relatively minimal effort. Therefore, the brain rewires itself through this positive reinforcement, making people desire likes, retweets,and emoticon reactions. In a normal scenario that is without social media, people talk about themselves on an average of 30-40% of their time, but social media is all about showing off, so it takes about 80% of your time to think of your own accomplishments that too when rewarded with other’s attention, brain again and again reinforces to do it. So it travels from a stage of relaxation to addiction.

Social media and mental health

As of 2018, 3.1 billion people are social media users worldwide (Source:, which is roughly one-third of the population. Out of the 210 million people are suffering from internet and social media addictions worldwide. In the past few years, Internet addiction has been announced as a major National health problem in various countries. The major problem faced by Generation Z is maintaining good physical and mental health.

global data on
          social media addiction

Mental health has become a prime focus by governments of various countries to maintain good health care. Studies have proven that over-usage of social media has links with low self-esteem, negative mental thoughts, depression due to comparison with others, feeling unhappy and isolated. Social media creates a fake image of showing everyone as very happy and living their dream life, but that's not true; they may be completely different in real life. This fakeness often creates a silent depression as you are the one suffering in the world. Overall, it affects the individuals' decision-making skills, and their effects are no less than a drug addiction.

Diagnosing Social Media addiction

Every one of us uses social media, how to decide how much is considered normal, where to draw the line between normal usage and addictive behavior. Social media addiction is also like other behavioral addictions. It has some specific signs and symptoms that need to be assessed and diagnosed. A psychometric scale-like Social Media Addiction Questionnaire(SMAQ) comes in handy for measuring the intensity of the addiction level.

Social media addiction questionnaire (SMAQ)

The social media addiction questionnaire is an 8-item questionnaire derived from the Facebook Intrusion Questionnaire(FIQ). The FIQ was developed to measure Facebook addiction based on behavioral addiction symptoms, particularly withdrawal, relapse and reinstatement, and euphoria.

SMAQ also consists of 8 important questions that are directly related to the addictive behavior towards social media. It measures the extent of an individual's problems due to social media use in daily routine, social life, productivity, and sleeping patterns. These criteria are measured against a 7 point scale with standard responses from “strongly disagree” to “strongly agree.” The values for each question are taken and summed up, which gives the overall score.

Interpreting a Social media addiction questionnaire score

The score for the social media addiction questionnaire is the total value added for all 8 questions. Studies have proven a notable correlation between social media addiction, self-esteem, and life satisfaction. So the higher the SMAQ score, the higher the intrusion of social media affecting your daily life.

The social media addiction questionnaire is, so far, the best scale to measure social media addiction. It shows a high internal consistency, which strongly shows the reliability of the scale.


A 2018 study found that teens who spend 5 hours per day using their phones were almost twice as likely to exhibit depressive symptoms than counterparts who dedicated only 1 hour on their phones. Social media had already filled each and every space of the internet, making the next generation addictive and prone to serious mental health issues like depression and other mental disorders. The digital era has given us some extraordinary development, but at the cost of damaging humanity's basic structure: “Health.” So being aware of what we are going through seriously helps maintain a good life and inner harmony.

Social Media Addiction Questionnaire FAQ

How is the Social Media Addiction Questionnaire (SMAQ) administered?

The SMAQ is an online questionnaire administered over the web. It is free to use and can be accessed via a secure web link.

Is the SMAQ an accurate measure of social media addiction?

The SMAQ is a self-reported measure of social media addiction, and as such, is only as accurate as the individual taking it. It is not meant to be a diagnostic tool for social media addiction.

Is the SMAQ in BlockSurvey anonymous?

Yes, all responses are completely collected anonymous.

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Vimala Balamurugan

Vimala heads the Content and SEO Team at BlockSurvey. She is the curator of all the content that BlockSurvey puts out into the public domain. Blogging, music, and exploring new places around is how she spends most of her leisure time.


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