Enhancing Student Engagement and Learning with Online Surveys

Blocksurvey blog author
Written by Daniel Mantere
May 2, 2023 · 4 mins read

Online surveys have served a variety of purposes. They are mostly used for customer feedback and market research. Today, educators use surveys as a powerful tool to engage students and enhance their learning assessment. A survey is the most efficient way to gather information and improve teaching methods and learning outcomes. It allows direct communication with the students and gathers a vast amount of data at once. But since it is a relatively new exploration, not many teachers know about it. In this article, we will discuss how you can use online surveys to feedback and generate responses.

What Is Student Engagement?

Engagement is the act or state of being engaged, which in turn means being greatly interested. In the context of education, it measures a student’s participation in the learning process. It involves interaction and cooperation with classmates and teachers. A student engagement survey measures how much students are involved and committed to learning. Active learners are motivated, interested, and invested in the school. As a result, they participate in class, join discussions, ask questions, and research independently to improve their understanding. They also perform better academically compared to their peers.

Undergraduates live hectic lives. They juggle classes and extracurriculars. Hence, they find it challenging to balance school, work, and social life. This explains why most students have short attention spans, and teachers find it hard to engage them. Their minds are simply preoccupied with too much information. The only solution is to ask for help.

Undergraduates use university homework help to complete coursework and free up their schedules. The help with assignment by EduBirdie is a fantastic example, as an expert assignment service offers professional assistance with routine and last-minute tasks. It provides professional writers with years of experience to draft 100% unique content and deliver it on schedule. In the end, students focus on vital tasks and improve their learning experience.

Student engagement in learning measures the likelihood that a teaching method will be successful. Online student surveys provide a wealth of information teachers and students use to improve outcomes. Let us examine some of its usefulness below.

4 Ways to Use Online Surveys to Enhance Student Engagement

There are different ways to use surveys. But the most popular ones are:

1. Use It to Gather Feedback

The primary use of an online survey for students is to collect responses. Hence, administer it to encourage students to share their opinions and thoughts about various aspects of their learning. Undergraduates have first-hand experience with what goes on in the university environment. As a result, they are the go-to source for information. Educators can use it to gain insights into what is working well and the ones that require improvements. Then, leverage on answers to improve their decisions. Beyond gathering feedback, this method fosters a sense of involvement for the students.

2. Use It to Promote Active Learning

Most of the time, the same set of students contribute to lectures. This is just how students are wired. Apart from this, factors like class structure and lecture technique affect responsiveness. Hence, use your survey to collect feedback and track what your listeners want. For example, instead of a general class, students prefer quizzes, work groups, or discussions. You can also tell them to set learning goals or identify areas that require improvement. Encouraging active learning promotes a sense of empowerment and responsibility that leads to more engagement.

3. Stimulate Self-Reflection

Undergraduates must self-reflect and think about their learning experiences. Online surveys encourage them to develop metacognitive skills. An instructor could ask undergraduates to complete tasks to identify their strengths and weaknesses or reflect on their learning styles. For example, an exercise to rate their understanding of a topic. This provides a more holistic view and helps to develop a more effective teaching strategy.

4. Provide Assessment

Surveys provide formative and summative assessments. The former helps to gather responses on students’ progress during learning. In contrast, the latter is for evaluating students at the end of a course. Online survey assessments are timely. It helps students identify areas of struggle and provide support to improve. It also allows them to keep pace with their courses and learning goals. On the other hand, the feedback lets you evaluate the effectiveness of a course and improve it.

Online Survey Use Cases

Students give teachers vital information about which parts of a program are working and which aren’t in a survey. If designed well, you can use it to increase student engagement. It is also useful for planning curriculums, understanding the learning culture in the school, and structuring classes. Below are four ways to use surveys in schools.

Use It to Track Who Your Students Are and What They Need

Your first duty as a lecturer is to know your students and their preparedness. Many teachers use tests and exams, but they are not as effective as surveys. The latter does not cause anxiety and stress. Interactive surveys can even include parents to know each student’s preferences, learning styles, strengths, and weaknesses.

Source Feedback About the Class Structure, Workload, and Pace

Another way to implement surveys is to use them to track your class workload and pace. If you ask students how much homework they think is fair, they will paint a picture they are comfortable with. You can also request they rank lessons in order of difficulty. These feedbacks are valuable for validating decisions you are unsure about. It also opens a line of communication and fosters interactions.

Learn About the School’s Environment

Beyond the coursework, use surveys to inquire about the school environment. They include classroom culture and physical resources like labs and libraries. Students use anonymous surveys to describe problems like peer pressure or bullying. It also helps to track the impact of policies on general academic performance and other vital areas.

Assess Yourself as A Teacher

Administer surveys to gather insight into your teaching techniques and training resources. Ask your pupils or fellow teachers to identify gaps in your performance and rate them to enable improvements.


Online surveys enhance the learning experience by asking for opinions and feedback. It promotes active participation, and teachers use it to encourage students to reflect on their learning encounters. With the right tools and strategy, educators can harness the power of surveys to create more engaging classrooms.

Enhancing Student Engagement and Learning with Online Surveys FAQ

What is an online survey?

An online survey is a type of survey that is conducted over the internet, usually through a web-based platform. It is used to collect data from a large number of participants in an efficient and cost-effective manner.

What are the benefits of using online surveys to enhance student engagement and learning?

Online surveys can provide valuable feedback from students that can help inform educational decisions and strategies. They can also help students become more engaged by giving them an opportunity to share their opinions and ideas. Additionally, online surveys can provide a way for educators to quickly and easily collect data on student learning and engagement.

How can online surveys help teachers better understand student learning?

Online surveys can help teachers better understand student learning by providing data on student understanding of course concepts and material. This data can be used to inform teaching methods and strategies as well as identify areas where students may need additional support.

How can online surveys be used to measure student engagement?

Online surveys can be used to measure student engagement by asking questions about their level of interest in the course material, the frequency of their participation in class activities, and their overall satisfaction with the course. This data can help teachers identify areas where students may be disengaged and help them develop strategies to improve engagement.

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Daniel Mantere

Daniel is a teacher and writer. He believes a great educational foundation is crucial to life's success. So, he writes with a passion for helping other educators connect and forge bonds with their students.


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