How to conduct a GDPR Gap Analysis?

Blocksurvey blog author
Jun 25, 2024 · 3 mins read

GDPR gap analysis

Source: Pexels

Ensuring compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is crucial for any organization that handles the data of EU citizens.

This blog will explain the benefits of conducting a GDPR Gap Analysis, the methods of performing it, and the steps involved.

By the end, you'll have a clear understanding of how to bridge the compliance gaps and protect the rights of data subjects, ensuring your organization stays ahead.

What is GDPR Gap Analysis?

GDPR Gap Analysis is an essential process for organizations aiming to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation.

This analysis identifies gaps between the current data protection practices of an organization and the requirements set forth by GDPR.

By pinpointing the discrepancies, organizations can develop actionable plans to achieve full compliance, ensuring the protection of personal data and mitigating the risk of significant fines and reputational damage.

Read this components of GDPR framework & GDPR Rights that every data controller and the data subject must know. This helps you understand the subject matter for performing GDPR gap analysis.

Benefits of GDPR Gap Analysis

Below are two important benefits of GDPR Gap Analysis.

Identify Immediate Gaps

Conducting a GDPR Gap Analysis helps organizations quickly identify areas where their current data protection practices fall short of GDPR requirements.

This immediate identification allows for prompt action to mitigate potential risks and non-compliance issues.

Stay Ahead In Development

In addition to identifying immediate gaps, a comprehensive GDPR Gap Analysis encompasses a thorough review of industry best practices and emerging trends in data protection.

This broader perspective ensures that organizations not only comply with current regulations but also stay ahead of potential future developments.

Ways of Performing Gap Analysis

Internal Team

Performing a GDPR Gap Analysis internally can be cost-effective and allows for a deeper understanding of the organization's data practices.

However, it requires significant expertise and resources to ensure thoroughness and accuracy.


Engaging external consultants can provide an objective and expert perspective on an organization's data protection practices.

Consultants bring specialized knowledge and experience, often identifying gaps that internal teams might overlook.

If you are in need of a consultant to perform your gap analysis, then receive guidance from 6 Go-To GDPR Consultants for Compliance Solutions.


Utilizing software tools for GDPR Gap Analysis can streamline the process, offering automated assessments and detailed reports.

These tools often include features for managing compliance efforts & tracking progress.

Read Top 8 GDPR Compliance Software Solutions for Your Business to identify a software that best suits your GDPR compliance requirement.

Steps for GDPR Gap Analysis

Evaluate Current Practices

Begin by thoroughly evaluating your organization's current data protection practices.

This involves reviewing policies, procedures, and technical measures in place to safeguard personal data.

Identify Requirements

Next, identify the specific GDPR requirements relevant to your organization.

This includes understanding the obligations regarding data processing, data subject rights, and data security measures.

Compare Practices with Requirements

Compare your current practices against the identified GDPR requirements.

This step helps highlight the gaps where your organization's practices do not meet the GDPR regulatory standards.

Prioritize Gaps

Once the gaps are identified, prioritize them based on the level of risk they pose to the organization.

High-risk gaps that could lead to significant non-compliance penalties should be addressed first.

Create Action Plan

Develop a detailed action plan to address the prioritized gaps.

The plan should outline specific steps, responsible parties, and timelines for achieving compliance.

Execute Compliance Plan

Implement the action plan, ensuring that all steps are followed and deadlines are met.

Regular monitoring and reporting on progress are crucial to address GDPR compliance.

Create Training Programs

Establish training programs for employees to ensure they understand GDPR requirements and the importance of data protection.

Continuous education helps maintain compliance and fosters a culture of data privacy within the organization.

The Ultimate Target

The ultimate goal of a GDPR Gap Analysis is to ensure that an organization meets all the requirements set forth by GDPR.

Keep a watch on components of GDPR framework while performing gap analysis. By achieving compliance, organizations demonstrate their commitment to protecting personal data and respecting the privacy of individuals.

Conducting a GDPR Gap Analysis is a vital step for any organization aiming to comply with GDPR. It not only helps identify and address immediate gaps but also ensures ongoing adherence to data protection best practices.

Whether performed internally, through consultants, or with the aid of software tools, a thorough gap analysis paves the way for stronger data privacy and security.

How to conduct a GDPR Gap Analysis? FAQ

What is a GDPR Gap Analysis?

A GDPR Gap Analysis is an assessment process that identifies the differences between a company's current data protection measures and the requirements stated by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Why is a GDPR Gap Analysis important?

Conducting a GDPR Gap Analysis is crucial to ensure that an organization complies with GDPR requirements, thereby avoiding penalties and enhancing the trust of clients and stakeholders in handling their personal data.

Can a GDPR Gap Analysis help in improving our data protection measures?

Absolutely. A GDPR Gap Analysis not only ensures compliance with the law but also helps identify areas for improvement in your data protection measures, thereby enhancing your overall data security.

What tools can be used for conducting a GDPR Gap Analysis?

There are several tools available, both free and paid, that can assist in conducting a GDPR Gap Analysis. These include GDPR compliance checklist tools, data mapping tools, and GDPR assessment software.

Does conducting a GDPR Gap Analysis guarantee GDPR compliance?

A GDPR Gap Analysis is a step towards GDPR compliance, highlighting areas that need attention. However, actual compliance is achieved when the identified gaps are effectively addressed and data protection measures are properly implemented.

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Sarath Shyamson

Sarath Shyamson is the customer success person at BlockSurvey and also heads the outreach. He enjoys volunteering for the church choir.


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