10 Important KPIs to Monitor for Any Company

Blocksurvey blog author
Written by Laura Johnson
Jul 16, 2024 · 5 mins read

KPIs, or Key Performance Indicators, are a vital part of understanding the performance of any business. They provide invaluable insight into how well the company is functioning and what areas may need to be improved. By monitoring these indicators, companies can make more informed decisions and stay ahead of their competition.

Knowing which KPIs are most important for your company is the first step in understanding your performance. This article will outline 10 important KPIs that every company should monitor.

Cost per Acquisition (CPA)

This is how much money you have to spend in order to acquire a customer. This metric is important to track because it helps you measure the cost of your acquisition strategy, and monitor changes in customer acquisition cost over time.

You can then measure the cost of acquiring a customer against how much money you stand to make from that customer over their lifetime. This helps you determine whether your acquisition efforts are profitable or not.

It might be the case that certain kinds of customers are not worth investing time and money in cultivating because they are not high value enough.

This is where good customer segmentation and understanding come into play. This brings us to the second KPI.

Customer lifetime value (LTV)

Lifetime value measures how much profit you can expect from a customer over the entirety of their lifecycle with your business. It’s important to know this number so that you can make informed decisions about which customers you should be targeting and how much money you should be willing to invest in acquiring them.

When combined with your CPA, you can get a good sense of the potential profitability of any given customer. This helps you identify which customers are profitable to target, and which ones may not be worth your investment.

It also allows you to make more accurate predictions about future revenue and profits. Knowing your customer lifetime value is key to making effective lifecycle marketing and customer acquisition decisions.

By tracking these two KPIs together, you can get a better sense of which customers are worth targeting and how much to invest in acquiring them. This helps you maximize your return on investment (ROI) and ensure that your customer acquisition efforts remain profitable.

Customer Retention Rate

This measures the percentage of customers that remain loyal to your business over a given period of time. It’s important to track because it helps you understand how well you are doing at keeping your customers engaged and happy enough with your services or products that they continue to use them.

A high customer retention rate is usually indicative of a successful business model that customers find valuable. Turnover is one of the biggest costs for any business, so understanding how successful you are at keeping customers can help you control costs and identify areas where there may be room for improvement.

Average Order Value (AOV)

This metric tells you the average amount that each customer is spending on a single order or transaction. It’s important to track because it helps you understand how much your customers are willing to spend on each purchase and whether or not they’re likely to purchase additional items.

It also indicates the average value of any given customer, which can help you determine which marketing strategies are most effective at driving higher-order values.

If your average order value is consistently going up over time, or if it is high compared to industry standards, this could be an indicator that your marketing strategies are working. On the other hand, if your AOV is consistently decreasing, this could be a sign that you need to change up your approach.

By tracking the average order value, you can get an understanding of how valuable each customer is and which marketing strategies are driving higher order values. This helps you maximize your ROI and make more informed decisions about where to put your

Website Traffic

This measures how many people visit your website in a given period of time. It’s important to track because it helps you measure the effectiveness of your marketing efforts, and understand which sources are driving the most traffic to your site. You can also use this metric to identify any sharp changes in website visitors over time, which can help you identify problems with your website or marketing strategies.

If you are doing ongoing SEO, then your website traffic is one of the most important KPIS for how successful your efforts are over time. The issue with SEO is that it can take a while to see results, so tracking your website traffic over time can help you understand how successful your efforts are.

Conversion Rate

This measures the percentage of website visitors that take the desired action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter. It’s important to track because it helps you identify opportunities to optimize your website and increase sales.

Knowing your conversion rate can also help you understand which marketing channels are doing the best job at driving conversions.

You can also use this metric to understand how effective your landing pages, ads, and other website elements are at driving conversions. With this data in hand, you can make more informed decisions about how best to optimize your website and increase sales.

Lead Quality Score

Lead quality is one of the most important KPIs because it lets you know the quality of leads that you are generating. It’s important to track because it helps you understand which leads are likely to convert into customers or sales, and which ones may not be worth pursuing. Knowing your lead quality score can help you identify opportunities for improvement in your marketing and lead generation efforts.

Your lead quality is the result of many factors, including the quality of your website content, the effectiveness of your lead capture forms and follow-up processes, and more.

Tracking this metric can help you identify areas where there may be room for improvement, so you can increase the quality of leads that you generate.

Time to Close

This metric tells you the average amount of time it takes to convert a lead into a customer. It’s important to track because it can help you identify any areas where there may be room for improvement in your sales process.

Knowing how long it takes to close leads can also help you improve your lead management and ensure that leads are being followed up on in a timely manner, which makes it one of the most important KPIs.

Employee turnover

This measures the rate at which employees are leaving your company. It’s important to track because it can help you identify any issues with employee satisfaction or retention, which can have a big impact on productivity and efficiency. Knowing your employee turnover rate can also help you create better onboarding processes, develop more effective benefits packages, and ensure that employees are receiving the support they need to be successful in their roles.

Revenue Growth

This measures how much your company’s revenue is increasing over time. It’s important to track because it helps you understand whether or not your business is on the right trajectory for growth. Knowing your revenue growth rate can also help you identify any issues with your pricing structure, sales process, or marketing efforts that may be impacting your ability to generate revenue.


By tracking these 10 important KPIs, you can gain valuable insight into how your company is performing and make more informed decisions about how best to optimize business operations for success. With this data in hand, you can identify opportunities for improvement and develop effective strategies to drive growth

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Laura Johnson

Laura Johnson has been writing about growth marketing and organizational theory for a decade. Her writing can be found in industry blogs and publications all over the web. When she is not researching and writing an upcoming piece, she is probably out running with her dogs.


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