How to token gate forms and surveys using Runes?

Blocksurvey blog author
Written by Wilson Bright
Jun 4, 2024 · 5 mins read

Runes are a mania on Bitcoin. If you have launched a Runes token for your project but are trying to figure out how to garner feedback from your audience who hold your tokens? Read further. BlockSurvey is here to help.

Now, BlockSurvey supports token gating for Runes. ! The token-gated feature lets you harness the power of your existing Bitcoin community. By requiring ownership of a specific Runes token to participate in your survey, you can ensure you're getting feedback from highly engaged users who are already invested in the Runes ecosystem. Be it for DOG.GO.TO.THE.MOON or Z•Z•Z•Z•Z•FEHU•Z•Z•Z•Z•Z, all the tokens are covered. Let’s understand what Runes are and how it works before setting up the token-gated data collection.

What are Runes in the Bitcoin network?

Runes are a new token standard designed to issue fungible tokens on the Bitcoin network. These digital tokens can be created, transferred, and traded just like special digital coins, offering a more efficient and streamlined approach to token management. By leveraging the existing Bitcoin infrastructure, Runes aims to reduce network congestion and simplify the creation and trading of digital tokens. They also enhance security and decentralization while ensuring compatibility with the Lightning Network for faster and cheaper transactions.

How Do Runes Work?

Runes make it easy to create and manage digital tokens on the Bitcoin network. Here's a simple explanation of how they work:

1. Creating a Rune:

  • Think of Runes as custom digital coins. To create a Rune, you give it a unique name, symbol, and specify how many you want to create.
  • This information is stored on the Bitcoin blockchain using a special feature called “OP_RETURN.”

2. Storing Value with UTXOs:

  • Bitcoin transactions use UTXOs (Unspent Transaction Outputs) to keep track of who owns how much Bitcoin.
  • UTXOs are like digital containers that hold the value of a Bitcoin transaction.<

3. Assigning Runes to UTXOs:

  • When you create a Rune, it gets linked to a UTXO. This means the Rune is now tied to a specific piece of Bitcoin.

4. Transferring Runes:

  • You can send Runes to others using a special instruction called an “edict.”
  • The edict specifies how many Runes you’re sending and the recipient’s address.

5. Using OP_RETURN:

  • The OP_RETURN feature allows you to store data on the Bitcoin blockchain.
  • It helps in storing information about Runes without cluttering the system, as OP_RETURN outputs can’t be spent again.

In short, Runes uses Bitcoin's existing transaction system to create and manage custom tokens efficiently. This makes it easy to create, send, and trade digital tokens on the Bitcoin network.

How do Runes and BRC-20 differ?

Feature Runes BRC-20
Operation Model Based on Bitcoin's UTXO model
Based on the Bitcoin Ordinals
Data Storage Data is stored in the OP_RETURN field Data is inscribed on a Sat.
Token Minting Runes can be minted via open and closed minting procedures, and premining is available. BRC-20 minting is limited to the open minting procedure.
Token Transfers Transfers create a new set of UTXOs based on OP_RETURN data. Transfers require new inscriptions.
Design Simple Complex
On-chain footprint Low High due to "Junk" UTXOs
Lightning compatibility Yes No (Requires Ordinals-supported wallets)
Errors Non-permissible Permissible

Runes and BRC-20 are both fungible token protocols for the Bitcoin network, but they differ in their approach and goals. Runes focuses on efficiency, simplicity, and scalability, while BRC-20 prioritizes fungibility, interoperability, and security.

Why token-gate your surveys and forms for your Runes Project?

  1. Cut through the noise, prevent spam & bots, and get feedback from users who are genuinely interested in your project. By requiring Rune ownership for participation, you're targeting a pre-qualified audience who has already shown commitment through token investment. This ensures the insights you gather are from those most likely to help your project's success.
  2. Identify your most passionate supporters. Token-gating allows you to recognize those who have a vested interest in your project's future. They are likely to provide testimonials and suggest your project to others.
  3. Runes token-gated surveys can reveal user preferences and expectations. This allows you to tailor your communication to resonate with your core audience, ensuring your message hits the right mark.

How to set up Runes token gating in BlockSurvey?

Step 1: Choose the Bitcoin network. Under the Token Gating tab, add a gating and select Runes from the Gate by dropdown.

Step 2: Choose the Token name you want to use for gating. We have added a few Runes tokens of the most active projects to get started real quick.  Multiple token gating conditions can also be set. Here are the Runes tokens that are available in BlockSurvey:


Step 3 (Optional): If you don’t see your token listed, use the 'Other' option and add the Ticker / Token name, the minimum holdings value. This ensures your form or survey is gated based on your token.

Step 4: Once everything is set, Publish your survey, open the BlockSurvey URL, and submit a test submission by verifying your Bitcoin identity. If good, share the BlockSurvey URL and ask your respondents to participate.

Step 5: When respondents answer the form or survey, they can sign in using Leather, Xverse, UniSat, or OKX wallet. Upon signing a message, we make an API call using the wallet address to fetch the holdings. Note: No transactions are initiated from the wallet. It is safe. If the holdings are available for the token given, the user will be able to proceed by answering the BlockSurvey.

What are some use cases in which I can use the token-gating feature for my Runes Project?

  • Exclusive Access to Airdrops and Token Launches: Projects can use Runes gating to ensure airdrops and token launches reach users who are truly interested in their ecosystem. Projects requiring ownership of a specific Rune can target relevant users and generate interest in their offerings.
  • Content Participation and Voting: The member holding a specific Rune can participate in the contest (Eg., Meme creation contest) and only the holders would be allowed to participate in the Voting.
  • Community-Driven Content Creation: Rune holders can work together to create content, like sharing their ideas through surveys or forms. This can help build a strong community and leverage everyone's creativity.
  • Gamification and Interactive Experiences: Owning a Rune can unlock special features or content in games or interactive experiences. This can make owning a Rune more rewarding and fun.


Token gating support for the Runes project in BlockSurvey offers a dynamic and innovative approach to engaging with your target audience within the Bitcoin ecosystem. You’ll be able to build a known audience and unlock better insights.

So, if you have a Runes project and are waiting to gather feedback or get to know your audience better, give BlockSurvey a try. 

If you have launched a project from Ordinals to Runes like Runestone has launched DOG.GO.TO.THE.MOON to its Ordinals holder, read about Ordinals token gatingYou’ll be able to combine both Ordinals and Runes to weed out paper hands in your data collection process.

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Wilson Bright

Wilson Bright is the co-founder of BlockSurvey. He is an avid crypto enthusiast, and his vision is to make BlockSurvey a go-to infrastructure for data collection with a focus on privacy and security.