How to Set up an Uninstall Survey for Your Extensions in Chrome/ Firefox Browsers

Blocksurvey blog author
Nov 10, 2023 · 4 mins read

Have you ever pondered the motivations behind users uninstalling your extension? Understanding their rationale can be pivotal in elevating your product and retaining your installation of extensions/add-ons. In this guide, we shall delve into the realm of uninstall surveys—an invaluable instrument for collecting feedback from those who are planning to leave your extension once and for all.

The Need for Uninstall Surveys

When it comes to maintaining a successful browser extension or add-on, understanding why users want to uninstall is also crucial. Users may choose to uninstall your extension for a variety of reasons, and pinpointing these reasons can help you make informed decisions to improve your extension and retain more users. Tracking uninstalling events will help you analyze your product.

Common Reasons Why Users Uninstall Chrome Extension/ Firefox Add-on:

  1. Performance Issues: Users might uninstall your Chrome extension if it slows down their browser or causes other performance-related problems. This can be due to excessive resource usage or conflicts with other extensions.
  2. Lack of Value: If users don't find your extension valuable or if it doesn't meet their needs, they are more likely to uninstall it. This could be related to the features your extension offers or its relevance to their browsing habits.
  3. Bugs and Crashes: Frequent crashes, glitches, or other technical issues can frustrate users and lead to uninstalls. Ensuring a bug-free experience is essential for user satisfaction.
  4. Privacy Concerns: Users are becoming increasingly cautious about their online privacy. If your extension raises concerns about data security or privacy violations, it can prompt users to uninstall it.
  5. Intrusiveness: Some extensions may display excessive ads or intrusive notifications, disrupting the user's browsing experience. Such intrusiveness can drive users to remove the extension.

By setting up uninstall surveys, you can gain insights into which of these factors are contributing to customer exits. This data helps you tailor your extension to address specific pain points and enhance the overall user experience.

How to Set up an Uninstall Event for Chromium based Browsers (Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Brave)

Now that you understand why uninstall surveys are valuable, let's dive into the practical steps to set up your own survey. The process can be broken down into a few key stages:

1. Create an Un-install survey

  • Select a survey tool or platform that suits your needs to get started.
  • Craft survey questions that are concise, relevant, and respectful of the user's time. You'll want to gather information about the specific issues that led to the uninstall. For example:
    • "What was the primary reason for uninstalling our extension?"
    • "Were you experiencing any performance issues with our extension?"
    • "Is there a feature you wished our extension had?"

2. Set UninstallURL

To implement the "chrome.runtime.setUninstallURL" function within your Chrome extension, use the following code:

  function(response) {
    if (chrome.runtime.lastError) {
    } else {
      console.log('Uninstall URL set successfully.');
  • This code snippet will set up your uninstall survey to trigger when users uninstall your extension. Make sure to replace  with the actual URL of your survey.
  • Once the URL is added and everything is set on your Chrome extension uninstall process, whenever the uninstall event gets initiated from the user’s side they will be redirected to the customer exit survey automatically, which in turn will gather valuable feedback.
  • This URL must have an http: or https: scheme. Set an empty string to not open a new tab upon uninstallation.

For Gecko-based Browsers(Firefox, Avent)

For setting an uninstall event in Firefox Browser, add the below code accordingly and implement it:

let settingUrl = browser.runtime.setUninstallURL(
  url             // string
  • By adding this code to your Firefox extension, you can specify the URL where users will be directed when they uninstall your extension. 
  • Although it's essential to choose the right moment to display the survey, such as right after the user confirms the uninstallation.

4. Gather and Analyze Data

  • As users respond to your survey, collect and store the data for analysis. This information will be invaluable in understanding user pain points and identifying areas for improvement.

5. Continuously Iterate

  • The insights gained from uninstall surveys should be used to make informed decisions about updates and enhancements to your extension. Regularly revisit your exit survey results to track progress and adapt your extension accordingly.

By following these steps, you can effectively set up your uninstall survey and begin the journey towards reducing customer churn while enhancing user satisfaction with your Chrome extension.

Tips for extracting the best out of Uninstall surveys

When it comes to setting up uninstall surveys, there are several best practices and tips to keep in mind to ensure you maximize the value of the feedback obtained and effectively combat customer exit, reduce churn, and improve your extension. Here are some key recommendations:

  1. Keep Surveys Short and Focused: To encourage user participation, keep your uninstall surveys concise and to the point.
  2. Ask Open-Ended Questions: While it's essential to have some multiple-choice questions for quantitative data, don't underestimate the power of open-ended questions. These can provide valuable qualitative insights into why users are uninstalling your extension. Ask questions like, "What could we have done better to keep you as a user?"
  3. Timing Is Crucial: It's often best to display the survey after the extension has been uninstalled, but before the user leaves your extension's ecosystem entirely. This way, you catch users while their experience is still fresh in their minds.
  4. Analyze and Segment Responses: After collecting survey responses, analyze the data to identify trends and patterns. Segment responses based on different user groups or reasons for uninstallation. This allows you to tailor your response strategies effectively.
  5. Iterate and Implement Changes: Use the feedback obtained through uninstall surveys to drive continuous improvement. Address common pain points and issues mentioned by users in their responses. Demonstrating that you listen to your users can help reduce churn.
  6. Promote Transparency: Be transparent with users about the purpose of the survey and how their feedback will be used. Assure them that their input is valued and will be used to enhance the extension.
  7. Educate Users About Features: Consider providing onboarding tutorials or tooltips within your extension to help users better understand its features and capabilities. Reducing user confusion can mitigate uninstallations.
  8. Follow Up with Promotions: For users who provided feedback through the uninstall survey, consider following up with targeted promotions or updates once you've made improvements. This shows that you take their feedback seriously.

By incorporating these best practices and tips into your uninstall survey strategy, you'll be well-equipped to combat customer exit, reduce churn, and continually enhance your Chrome extension based on user feedback. Remember that uninstall surveys are a valuable tool for understanding your users and making data-driven improvements.

To wrap it up

No matter how great your product is, customer churn is inevitable. But with a well-timed customer exit survey, you can actually make this churn work in your favour.

As you embark on your journey of setting up customer exit or uninstall surveys, keep in mind that the process is iterative. Continuously analyze and act upon the feedback you receive, monitor trends, and stay attuned to the evolving needs and preferences of your users.

By putting these strategies into practice, you'll not only reduce churn but also foster a community of users who appreciate your dedication to delivering an outstanding Chrome extension experience. Uninstall surveys are your gateway to understanding your users better, improving your product, and thriving in the competitive world of browser extensions. Ready to get started? Try BlockSurvey, a privacy-focused and anonymous survey tool to gather valuable insights from your users and make data-driven decisions!"

How to Set up an Uninstall Survey for Your Extensions in Chrome/ Firefox Browsers FAQ

Why should I set up an uninstall survey for my Chrome extension?

By setting up an uninstall survey, you can gather valuable customer feedback and understand the reasons behind uninstallations, helping you improve your extension.

How can I create an uninstall survey for my Chrome extension?

You can use tools like BlockSurvey to create a simple feedback survey. Embed the survey link in the uninstallation confirmation page of your extension.

What questions should I include in my uninstall survey?

Focus on understanding the reasons for uninstallation, user experience issues, and suggestions for improvement. Keep the survey concise and easy to answer.

How often should I review the feedback from the uninstall survey?

Regularly review the survey responses to identify trends and common issues. Aim to analyze the feedback at least once a month to make informed improvements.

How can I ensure the privacy and security of the survey responses?

Ensure that the survey tool you use has appropriate security measures in place. BlockSurvey is the best privacy-focused survey tool built on a decentralized platform. No ads, No trackers, with utmost data security.

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Vimala Balamurugan

Vimala heads the Content and SEO Team at BlockSurvey. She is the curator of all the content that BlockSurvey puts out into the public domain. Blogging, music, and exploring new places around is how she spends most of her leisure time.