How to create your own ordinal inscription: A step-by-step guide

Blocksurvey blog author
Mar 26, 2024 · 4 mins read

Ordinal inscriptions are a groundbreaking way to utilize the Bitcoin blockchain, enabling users to embed unique digital assets like images, texts, or codes directly onto satoshis. This innovative process not only heralds a new era for digital collectables but also enhances Bitcoin's utility, offering a blend of immutability, scarcity, and uniqueness for each inscription.

Step 1: Install a Compatible Wallet

You need an ordinal address to transfer your to-be-inscribed satoshi. Install an ordinals-compatible wallet. For safety, opt for a dedicated wallet for these activities, distinct from your primary Bitcoin holdings, to mitigate risks associated with experimental technologies. You can use a no-code wallet because they are user-friendly and don’t require programming to set up.

You can check these best Bitcoin ordinal wallets and choose the right one that suits you.

Step 2: Selecting Inscription Type 

With your wallet ready, the next step is choosing the type of digital asset you wish to inscribe. The options are vast, ranging from images, texts, to even more complex formats. For beginners, a single inscription is recommended to familiarize with the process. This decision is pivotal as it defines the nature of the digital artifact you're creating, whether it's a piece of art, a memorable quote, or any other form of digital expression.

Step 3: Upload the Inscription

Upon deciding the type of inscription, the next move is uploading your chosen file. Accepted formats include WEBP, JPEG, PNG, SVG, and GIF, with recommended size limits to ensure a smooth process. This step is about transforming your digital asset into a form that's ready for the blockchain, where it will reside immutably.

Step 4: Set your Transaction Fees 

The inscription's success partly hinges on the transaction fees. These fees vary based on the file size and the network's demand. A balanced approach to quality and cost ensures your inscription not only meets your expectations but also gets recorded on the blockchain in a timely manner. Higher fees might expedite the process, especially during periods of high congestion.

Step 5: Fill in your ordinal recipient address  

Finalizing the inscription requires a valid Bitcoin address compatible with ordinals. This is where your newly created digital artefact will be sent. It's imperative to use an address from your ordinals-compatible wallet, ensuring the inscription's safe receipt and future accessibility.

In these initial stages, the focus is on setting a solid foundation for your inscription adventure. From securing the right tools to selecting and preparing your digital asset, each step is designed to make the journey as seamless as possible, paving the way for your unique contribution to the Bitcoin blockchain.

Step 6: Payment and Confirmation

To finalize the inscription, you must pay the designated inscription fee. This fee is a combination of the Bitcoin network fee and any additional service charges imposed by the platform you're using, such as You will typically be presented with a QR code or a wallet address to which you need to send the exact amount of BTC within a specified timeframe.

After submitting your payment, the waiting game begins. The time it takes for your inscription to be processed and confirmed on the blockchain depends on the transaction fee you selected. Higher fees can lead to faster confirmations, especially during periods of network congestion. However, even with the highest fee, expect to wait anywhere from a few hours to a couple of days for confirmation. During this time, you should regularly check the status of your transaction through the service provider's platform or directly on the blockchain if you're comfortable doing so.

Safety Tips and Best Practices

Creating an ordinal inscription is an exciting venture, but it comes with its set of risks. Here are some safety tips to consider:

  • Use a Dedicated Wallet: Create a new wallet specifically for your ordinal activities to avoid mixing your main Bitcoin holdings with your inscription experiments.
  • Double-Check Addresses: Always verify the recipient's address before sending any Bitcoin. Sending to the wrong address could result in a permanent loss of funds.
  • Understand the Risks: The ordinal inscription ecosystem is still evolving. Be prepared for the unexpected, and only inscribe what you're willing to risk.


Ordinal inscriptions are more than just a technical novelty; they're a testament to the versatility and enduring potential of the Bitcoin blockchain. As you embark on your journey into the world of ordinal inscriptions, join the growing community of creators, collectors, and enthusiasts driving this exciting new wave of digital creativity.

How to create your own ordinal inscription: A step-by-step guide FAQ

What is an ordinal inscription?

An ordinal inscription is a method of embedding data such as images, text, or any digital file directly onto individual satoshis on the Bitcoin blockchain. These inscribed satoshis become unique digital artifacts, similar to non-fungible tokens (NFTs), but uniquely anchored in Bitcoin's infrastructure​

How long does it take for an ordinal inscription to be confirmed?

The confirmation time for an ordinal inscription depends on the transaction fee you choose and the current network congestion. It can vary from a few hours to a couple of days. Opting for higher fees can result in faster processing times during periods of high network activity​

Can I retrieve my Bitcoin if I send it to the wrong address during the inscription process?

Unfortunately, if you send Bitcoin to the wrong address during the inscription process, it is not retrievable. Bitcoin transactions are irreversible, so it's crucial to double-check the recipient address before completing the transaction​

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Vimala Balamurugan

Vimala heads the Content and SEO Team at BlockSurvey. She is the curator of all the content that BlockSurvey puts out into the public domain. Blogging, music, and exploring new places around is how she spends most of her leisure time.