Conjoint Analysis for Market Research

Blocksurvey blog author
Written by Sam Joseph
Jun 26, 2024 · 5 mins read


The world moves forward through product development and its associated marketing and for this, understanding consumer preferences is paramount. Conjoint analysis is a powerful tool that goes beyond traditional market research, offering a nuanced understanding of what drives purchasing decisions. In this blog, we'll delve into the world of conjoint analysis, exploring its methodology, benefits, and the valuable insights it can provide for businesses seeking a competitive edge.

What is Conjoint Analysis?

Conjoint analysis is a statistical technique that helps businesses comprehend how consumers make choices when presented with different product or service offerings. Unlike traditional surveys that ask individuals to directly express their preferences, conjoint analysis involves presenting respondents with hypothetical scenarios containing various product attributes. By analyzing the choices made in these scenarios, researchers can infer the importance of different product features and their impact on overall preference.

Conjoint Analysis Terminologies

  • Attributes: The high-level product features that respondents will evaluate are called attributes. Attributes form the first column in the survey.
  • Levels: The items listed within an Attribute are called levels. For example, if the question is related to ice-cream, then, the "Flavor" attribute has levels of "Vanilla", "Chocolate", "Butterscotch" and "Strawberry".
  • Profiles: Combining all your attributes and levels, which creates a hypothetical product, is called a profile. Profiles are the columns that respondents choose. There is a limit of 7 concepts on the BlockSurvey platform.
  • Sets: Respondents will choose one profile per set and then be shown a new set of profiles. There is a limit of 10 sets on the BlockSurvey platform.

How to set up a Conjoint Question in BlockSurvey?

1. Select the Conjoint Question component from under the Market Research Question group.

2. Add the desired number of attributes and their corresponding levels. Then go on to set the desired number of sets and the number of profiles per set. This would randomly generate the desired number of sets with the mentioned number of profiles per set.

That's it. Your Conjoint Question setup is complete and ready to roll!!!

How To Analyze Conjoint Analysis Data?

Part-Worths/Utilities: This term is most crucial in conjoint analysis. It defines how a respondent values each attribute level. When all the utilities for all respondents are analyzed, a researcher can determine an overall product value. Utilities are the output of a regression equation.

Utility Score is not a standard unit of measure. It can be thought of as "happiness". If suppose in an ice-cream example a lot of respondents choose profiles containing "Chocolate" and only a few choose profiles with "Vanilla.", even without doing the math, you can imagine that the coefficient for "Chocolate" would be higher than the coefficient for "Vanilla."

Utility Scores can then be used to calculate the Attribute Importance which is the weighted difference in utilities ranges for different product levels. The larger the utility differences for an attribute, the more important they are to consumers.

What are the benefits of Conjoint Analysis?

Insight into Consumer Preferences:

Conjoint analysis goes beyond traditional market research by providing a deep understanding of consumer preferences. It reveals not only what features are preferred but also the relative importance of each, allowing businesses to prioritize their focus.

Product Optimization:

By identifying the most valued product attributes, businesses can optimize their offerings to better meet customer expectations. This leads to the development of products that are more likely to succeed in the market.

Market Segmentation:

The technique allows businesses to identify and understand different consumer segments based on their preferences. This segmentation enables targeted marketing efforts, ensuring that messages resonate with specific groups of consumers.

Realistic Scenario Simulation:

Conjoint experiments present respondents with realistic scenarios, providing a more accurate representation of decision-making processes compared to direct questioning. This allows for a more authentic understanding of consumer behavior.


In a competitive marketplace, understanding consumer preferences is the key to success. Conjoint analysis provides a robust framework for businesses to gain actionable insights into what drives consumer choices. By implementing this technique, companies can refine their products, optimize pricing strategies, and tailor marketing efforts to resonate with their target audience, ultimately gaining a competitive edge in their industry.

Conjoint Analysis for Market Research FAQ

What is Conjoint Analysis For Market Research?

Conjoint Analysis is a statistical technique used in market research to measure how customers make decisions and determine their preferences for different product attributes.

Is Conjoint Analysis suitable for all industries?

Yes, Conjoint Analysis can be applied to various industries, including technology, healthcare, retail, and more, to understand customer preferences and optimize product offerings.

Can Conjoint Analysis be used for new product development?

Absolutely, Conjoint Analysis is often employed during the early stages of new product development to understand customer preferences and guide product design decisions.

How can I trust the results obtained from Conjoint Analysis?

Conjoint Analysis is a well-established and extensively used market research technique. By employing experienced researchers and adhering to robust methodologies, the results obtained can be highly trustworthy and reliable.

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Sam Joseph

Sam Joseph heads the Design Team at BlockSurvey and is responsible for making BlockSurvey a great user friendly tool. He enjoys playing the keyboard and the sport of badminton.