
Brief Resilience Scale

The Brief Resilience Scale (BRS) is a self-report measure of resilience that assesses an individual's capacity to cope with and recover from stress, adversity, and trauma. The items measure the level of personal resources and positive emotions that a person is able to draw on in order to cope with adversity. The BRS has been used in numerous research studies, and is useful for evaluating resilience in individuals and groups.

2 minutes to complete


General eligibility to complete the Brief Resilience Scale (BRS) includes adults 18 years of age or older who can read and fill out the scale.


Questions for Brief Resilience Scale

Instructions to use Brief Resilience Scale

  • Read each of the 5 statements below.
  • Choose the response that best reflects how often the statement is true for you.
  • Select one of the following responses for each statement: Strongly disagree, Disagree, Neutral, Agree, Strongly agree
  • After you have chosen a response for each statement, add up the numbers associated with each response.
  • The total score will range from 5 to 25; the higher the score, the higher the level of resilience.



I tend to bounce back quickly after hard times.

The answer should be a single choice:
  1. Strongly disagree
  2. Disagree
  3. Neutral
  4. Agree
  5. Strongly agree

I have a hard time making it through stressful events.

The answer should be a single choice:
  1. Strongly disagree
  2. Disagree
  3. Neutral
  4. Agree
  5. Strongly agree

It does not take me long to recover from a stressful event.

The answer should be a single choice:
  1. Strongly disagree
  2. Disagree
  3. Neutral
  4. Agree
  5. Strongly agree

It is hard for me to snap back when something bad happens.

The answer should be a single choice:
  1. Strongly disagree
  2. Disagree
  3. Neutral
  4. Agree
  5. Strongly agree

I usually come through difficult times with little trouble.

The answer should be a single choice:
  1. Strongly disagree
  2. Disagree
  3. Neutral
  4. Agree
  5. Strongly agree

I tend to take a long time to get over setbacks in my life.

The answer should be a single choice:
  1. Strongly disagree
  2. Disagree
  3. Neutral
  4. Agree
  5. Strongly agree

Scales Similar to Brief Resilience Scale

  • Resilience Scale for Stress Tolerance
  • Resilience Scale for Self-Efficacy
  • Resilience Scale for Adaptability
  • Resilience Scale for Risk-Taking
  • Resilience Scale for Emotional Regulation
  • Resilience Scale for Coping Mechanisms

Here are some FAQs and additional information
Brief Resilience Scale

What is the Brief Resilience Scale?

The Brief Resilience Scale (BRS) is a self-report measure designed to assess an individual's capacity for psychological resilience. It consists of 6 items that measure an individual's ability to cope with and adapt to stressful events.

Who developed the Brief Resilience Scale?

The Brief Resilience Scale was developed by Smith et al. in 2008.

How is the Brief Resilience Scale scored?

The BRS is scored on a Likert scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). Scores are then summed and interpreted based on the individual's mean score. Higher scores indicate higher levels of resilience.

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Brief Resilience Scale

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