
Communication Skills Assessment Scale

This communication skills assessment scale is used to evaluate an individual's ability to communicate effectively in different situations. It is designed to measure a person's communication, as well as their ability to listen and respond to others.

5 minutes to complete


A general eligibility to complete Communication Skills Assessment Scale would include: •A minimum age of 18 years old •Ability to understand the questionnaire •No severe cognitive impairments or developmental disabilities


Questions for Communication Skills Assessment Scale



When I share something with my friends, I am open and honest about what I am sharing.

The answer should be a single choice:
  1. I constantly do this
  2. I frequently do this
  3. I occasionally do this
  4. I infrequently do this
  5. I at no time do this

I think before I speak because I am aware of how words may not mean the same thing to other people that they do to me.

The answer should be a single choice:
  1. I constantly do this
  2. I frequently do this
  3. I occasionally do this
  4. I infrequently do this
  5. I at no time do this

I understand that sometimes the message the other person is sending may not be the same one I am receiving.

The answer should be a single choice:
  1. I constantly do this
  2. I frequently do this
  3. I occasionally do this
  4. I infrequently do this
  5. I at no time do this

Before I communicate, verbally or nonverbally, I fully understand who my receiver is and how my message might affect his or her reception of my message.

The answer should be a single choice:
  1. I constantly do this
  2. I frequently do this
  3. I occasionally do this
  4. I infrequently do this
  5. I at no time do this

As I communicate to someone, I am looking for cues that my message is being perceived as I intend it to be received.

The answer should be a single choice:
  1. I constantly do this
  2. I frequently do this
  3. I occasionally do this
  4. I infrequently do this
  5. I at no time do this

I make my messages as precise and to the point as possible.

The answer should be a single choice:
  1. I constantly do this
  2. I frequently do this
  3. I occasionally do this
  4. I infrequently do this
  5. I at no time do this

I use jargon with those who may not understand it.

The answer should be a single choice:
  1. I constantly do this
  2. I frequently do this
  3. I occasionally do this
  4. I infrequently do this
  5. I at no time do this

I deliberately avoid the use of slang words and idioms with those who may be offended by them.

The answer should be a single choice:
  1. I constantly do this
  2. I frequently do this
  3. I occasionally do this
  4. I infrequently do this
  5. I at no time do this

I try not to use words that might cause an emotional response that may distress or confuse the receiver of my message.

The answer should be a single choice:
  1. I constantly do this
  2. I frequently do this
  3. I occasionally do this
  4. I infrequently do this
  5. I at no time do this

I recognize that how I say something is just as important as what I say.

The answer should be a single choice:
  1. I constantly do this
  2. I frequently do this
  3. I occasionally do this
  4. I infrequently do this
  5. I at no time do this

I examine my communication intellect to determine what nonverbal messages I send and how well they imitate the meaning I wish to get across.

The answer should be a single choice:
  1. I constantly do this
  2. I frequently do this
  3. I occasionally do this
  4. I infrequently do this
  5. I at no time do this

I carefully consider the method of delivery for my message: a face-to-face meeting, over the telephone or in writing. Which would be best understood by my receiver?

The answer should be a single choice:
  1. I constantly do this
  2. I frequently do this
  3. I occasionally do this
  4. I infrequently do this
  5. I at no time do this

I form opinions about what others say to me based on what I hear them saying rather than what I think of them as a person.

The answer should be a single choice:
  1. I constantly do this
  2. I frequently do this
  3. I occasionally do this
  4. I infrequently do this
  5. I at no time do this

I make an honest effort to listen to ideas with which I don't agree.

The answer should be a single choice:
  1. I constantly do this
  2. I frequently do this
  3. I occasionally do this
  4. I infrequently do this
  5. I at no time do this

I make an honest effort to listen to ideas with which I don't agree.

The answer should be a single choice:
  1. I constantly do this
  2. I frequently do this
  3. I occasionally do this
  4. I infrequently do this
  5. I at no time do this

I look for ways to expand my listening skills.

The answer should be a single choice:
  1. I constantly do this
  2. I frequently do this
  3. I occasionally do this
  4. I infrequently do this
  5. I at no time do this

Scales Similar to Communication Skills Assessment Scale

  • Nonverbal Communication Skills Assessment Scale
  • Verbal Communication Skills Assessment Scale
  • Group Communication Skills Assessment Scale
  • Interpersonal Communication Skills Assessment Scale
  • Written Communication Skills Assessment Scale
  • Presentation Skills Assessment Scale

Here are some FAQs and additional information
Communication Skills Assessment Scale

What is a Communication Skills Assessment Scale?

A Communication Skills Assessment Scale is a tool used to measure a person's ability to communicate effectively.

How is the Communication Skills Assessment Scale used?

The Communication Skills Assessment Scale is used to identify areas of strength and weakness in communication skills. It can be used to evaluate a person's ability to communicate, as well as to develop strategies to improve communication skills.

Who uses the Communication Skills Assessment Scale?

The Communication Skills Assessment Scale is often used by employers, educators, and counselors to assess communication skills and identify areas of improvement. It can also be used in the context of personal development.

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