
Token gated newletter feedback form

Create an exclusive connection with your audience using our Token-Gated Newsletter Feedback Form Template. Designed for creators and communities who value privacy and exclusivity, this template ensures that only token holders can access and provide feedback on your newsletter content. Enhance your engagement by tailoring your content based on direct insights from your most dedicated followers.

3 minutes to complete


To complete the Token gated newsletter feedback form, you must be a subscriber of the newsletter and have received a unique token or code. This token serves as proof of your eligibility and ensures that only valid subscribers can provide feedback on the newsletter.

Questions for Token gated newletter feedback form



What is your Solana wallet address?

Please connect your wallet and sign the message to verify ownership. NOTE: connecting your wallet will not trigger a transaction or cost any gas fees.


Rate the Content Quality

The answer should be a rating.

Rate the Content relevance

The answer should be a rating.

What do you feel about the frequency of Newsletter

The answer should be a single choice:
  1. Too Frequent
  2. Just Right
  3. Not Frequent Enough

What did you like the most about our newsletter?

The answer should be a text input.

What can we improve?

The answer should be a text input.

Any Comments and Suggestions

The answer should be a text input.

Forms Similar to Token gated newletter feedback form

  • Token-based Feedback Form: Enhancing Newsletter Engagement
  • Streamlining Newsletter Feedback with Token Gateways
  • Leveraging Tokens for Enhanced Newsletter Feedback Forms
  • Token-Driven Feedback Forms: Revolutionizing Newsletter Input
  • Enhancing Newsletter Feedback Mechanisms through Tokenization
  • Token-based Newsletter Feedback: Empowering Users with Enhanced Forms

Here are some FAQs and additional information
Token gated newletter feedback form

What is a Token gated newsletter feedback form?

A token gated newsletter feedback form is a form that requires users to provide a unique token or code before they can submit feedback about a newsletter.

Why is a Token ID required to submit feedback?

We use the Token ID to ensure that our feedback comes directly from our valued token holders. This approach helps us tailor our content more effectively and prioritize the suggestions and opinions of our dedicated audience.

What happens if my Token ID is not recognized?

If your Token ID is not recognized, please double-check that you have entered it correctly. If the problem persists, it may be due to a technical issue or an error in our system. Please contact our customer support for immediate assistance in resolving this issue.

Will my feedback be anonymous, or is it linked to my Token ID?

Your feedback is completely anonymous. While we require a Token ID for verification purposes, we do not link your specific responses to your personal information or Token ID. Your privacy and the confidentiality of your feedback are of utmost importance to us.

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Token gated newletter feedback form

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BlockSurvey is a privacy-focused platform for collecting data through forms, surveys, assessments, and quizzes. The data collection is end-to-end encrypted, and it ensures complete privacy of your audience from Big Tech. With an array of ready to use templates, it is tailored for the needs of businesses and individuals from Web 3, HR, Mental Health, Sexual Health, Activism and many sensitive areas where data collection needs protection.