
Gym Feedback Form

We want to get some useful feedback? Because our gym needs it. That’s why we built this Gym Feedback Form.

3 minutes to complete


The Gym Feedback Form can be filled by any customer who has availed the gym services.


Questions for Gym Feedback Form




The answer should be a text input.

Cell phone number

The answer should be a phone number.

How often do you visit The Gym?

The answer should be a single choice:
  1. Less than weekly
  2. Once a week
  3. Twice a week
  4. Three times a week
  5. More than three times per week

Gym member for?

The answer should be a single choice:
  1. 1-3 months
  2. 4-6 months
  3. 7-12 months
  4. 1 year
  5. 2-4 years
  6. 5-10 years
  7. 10+ years

On WEEKDAYS I typically visit the gym between

The answer should be a text input.

I visit the gym to

The answer should be a multiple choice:
  1. enhance sport performance
  2. train for bodybuilding/power lifting
  3. lose weight
  4. medical reasons
  5. maintain my physical condition
  6. meet people and socialize
  7. Others

How important were the following when joining or renewing at the Gym

The answer should be a single (or) multiple choice by row and column:
Personal Trainers
Amenities (locker rooms, pro shop, etc.)
Referral From Friend
Very Important
Somewhat Important
Not Important

Rank your levels of satisfaction related to the Gym's operations

The answer should be a single (or) multiple choice by row and column:
Gym Cleanliness
Locker Room Cleanliness
Staff Availability
Equipment Condition
Highly Satisfied
Moderately Satisified
Neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied
Very Dissatisfied

Optional Comments

The answer should be a text input.

How comfortable do you feel that you are using the gym equipment properly?

The answer should be a single choice:
  1. Very Comfortable
  2. Somewhat Comfortable
  3. Just OK
  4. Not Very Comfortable
  5. Not Comfortable

How far away from The Gym do you live?

The answer should be a single choice:
  1. Within 2 miles
  2. Within 2-10 miles
  3. Within 11-15 miles
  4. Within 16-20 miles
  5. More than 20 miles

Have you referred a friend to The Gym?

The answer should be a single choice:
  1. Yes
  2. No

Have you purchased one or more personal training sessions from the Gym?

The answer should be a single choice:
  1. Yes
  2. No

For those that have purchased training sessions, how satisfied were you with the sessions?

The answer should be a single choice:
  1. Very Satisfied
  2. Moderately Satisfied
  3. Neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied
  4. Dissatisfied
  5. Very Dissatisfied
  6. Not applicable


The answer should be a single choice:
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Other
  4. Prefer not to say


The answer should be a number input.

Feel free to share any additional thoughts about the Gym

The answer should be a text input.

Please provide your email address to stay up to date on information from the Gym. This email address will remain anonymous from your survey responses

The answer should be an email input.

Forms Similar to Gym Feedback Form

  • Customer Service Feedback Form
  • Product Feedback Form
  • Employee Feedback Form
  • Training Feedback Form
  • Manager Feedback Form

Here are some FAQs and additional information
Gym Feedback Form

How feedback is helpful in increasing gym membership?

Feedback is helpful in increasing gym membership because it allows people to see what they are doing wrong and correct it. Additionally, feedback can help people feel more motivated to go to the gym and continue their membership.

How to encourage people to give feedback about the gym?

Some gyms offer a discount or other incentive for people who give feedback about their experience. This can help to increase membership by encouraging people to sign up and give feedback. Additionally, some gyms use feedback to improve their services and make them more appealing to potential members.

What are the benefits of asking for feedback about gym membership?

Asking for feedback can also help to create a sense of community and involvement among gym members. This can make people more likely to continue their membership and recommend the gym to others.

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