
Student Housing Satisfaction Survey

College students are among the most demanding and high-maintenance apartment dwellers. They are constantly on the road for school assignments, extracurricular activities, and sports, but they also spend a lot of time at home. As a result, you must keep your apartment premises and amenities up to date. You must endeavour to distinguish yourself from the other student housing options offered to students near school.

2 minutes to complete


The survey is open to all students who have lived on-campus for at least one semester


Questions for Student Housing Satisfaction Survey



How satisfied are you with your current university housing?

The answer should be a rating.

How satisfied would you be with an upgrade to a more luxurious or centrally located student housing?

The answer should be a rating.

What matters to you most when considering the quality of your university housing, and why?

The answer should be a text input.

Are you satisfied with the level of comfort, cleanliness, location, facilities, and services provided by your university housing?

The answer should be a single choice:
  1. Not at all satisfied
  2. Slightly satisfied
  3. Moderately satisfied
  4. Very satisfied
  5. Completely satisfied

How many people live in each room on a typical day?

The answer should be a number input.

What are the main areas where students feel unsafe or uncomfortable at any time while being at school?

The answer should be a text input.

If there were no restrictions on students' time in their student housing, would you consider moving into a more central location that was not as expensive?

The answer should be a single choice:
  1. Yes
  2. No

Surveys Similar to Student Housing Satisfaction Survey

  • Tenant Satisfaction Survey
  • Renter Satisfaction Survey
  • Housing Satisfaction Survey

Here are some FAQs and additional information
Student Housing Satisfaction Survey

What is a student housing satisfaction survey?

The student housing satisfaction survey is a method that measures the satisfaction levels of the students over the accommodation facilities they are provided with.

What are the benefits of the student housing satisfaction survey?

The student housing satisfaction survey helps the management focus more on the areas of improvement and find the areas that are already strengthened.

What to include in an accommodation survey questionnaire?

You can include rating scales on comfort, cleanliness, and other housing facilities. And you can also question about things that they think should improve.

How can I use the survey reports?

With the collected data, you can work on making the facilities even more user-friendly and comfortable for the students.

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Student Housing Satisfaction Survey

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