How to show questions using Display Logic in surveys?

Blocksurvey blog author
Written by Alvin George
May 28, 2024 · 2 mins read

Have you wondered how to create an engaging survey experience and efficient data analysis from a form/survey? To solve this, BlockSurvey has an awesome feature called Display Logic. With the Display Logic feature, you can craft forms/surveys that are more engaging and also gather the most relevant data possible. This means less frustration for your respondents and less time spent cleaning through irrelevant information for you. Let's learn more about Display logic in this blog.

What is Display Logic?

In survey platforms, Display logic means a set of rules/conditions that determine whether certain questions or sections are shown or hidden based on the respondent's previous answers. Unlike skip logic, which can skip questions or sections, display logic only controls the visibility of questions without skipping them.

What is the difference between Skip Logic and Display Logic?

In Survey platforms, "logic" means a set of rules that decide how the survey works or unfolds. There are two main types of logic: Skip logic and Display logic.

Skip logic uses "if-then" rules to skip certain questions based on previous answers. This is like a "choose one" option. You answer a question, and depending on your answer, you skip ahead to a different part of the survey. For example, if someone answers "no" to a question about owning a car, the survey might skip questions about car details.

Want to know more about Skip Logic? Read More!

Display logic, on the other hand, shows or hides questions based on previous answers but doesn’t skip any questions. This is more like a "show/hide" option. You answer a question, and depending on your answer, some questions might appear or disappear for you. It doesn't skip anything, it just adjusts what you see next. For example, if someone answers "yes" to owning a car, the survey might show additional questions about the car, while hiding them if they answer "no".

Choosing the Right Logic

  • Use Skip Logic if you need complex branching or want to skip irrelevant sections based on answers.
    Example: A health survey where paths diverge based on exercise habits.
  • Use Display Logic for simpler scenarios where you want to show follow-up questions based on the previous answer.
    Example: A feedback form where subsequent questions depend on satisfaction levels.

Why Use Display Logic?

Ever felt stuck answering questions that have nothing to do with you? Here's how Display logic can help:

  • Reduced Frustration: No more irrelevant questions! Surveys become more engaging and less time-consuming.
  • Better Data: You get more accurate and focused responses by only asking relevant questions.
  • Happy Respondents: A smooth, personalized survey experience leaves a positive impression.

When to Use Display Logic?

  • When there are follow-up questions/answer options depend on specific answers from previous questions.
  • When you want to avoid showing respondents with unrelated questions.
  • Basically, whenever you want to create a more focused and engaging survey experience.

Best practices for using display logic in surveys

  • Keep it Simple: Avoid using complicated display logic rules.
  • Be Clear: Briefly explain why certain questions are skipped to keep respondents informed before answering the form/survey.
  • Don't Hide the Good Stuff: Ensure important questions aren't accidentally hidden.
  • Test the survey: Test the survey with a small group of users to make sure your logic works flawlessly and make any necessary changes before launching the survey to a wider audience.

How to set up Display Logic in BlockSurvey?

For example, let's try to get suggestions from the users to improve the product using the Display Logic. Follow these steps to add Display Logic to a question in your BlockSurvey:

Step 1: Choose the question in your survey where you want to add Display Logic.

Step 2: Access Display Logic Settings

  • Go to the Logic tab for the selected question.
  • Click on "Add Display Logic" under the Display Logic section.

Step 3: Set Conditions

  • Choose the question from the list and set the conditions you want to apply.
  • You can add multiple conditions as needed (Optional).

Step 4: Publish and Test

  • Publish your survey once you have designed it.
  • Do a test submission to ensure the Display Logic works as intended.
  • If everything is working fine, share the BlockSurvey URL and invite your respondents to participate.

In this example shown in the screenshot, if the respondent gives a star rating of 2 or below in Question 1 only then the Question 2 will be displayed to the respondent to collect their suggestions.


In conclusion by using Display Logic, you can create an efficient, personalized, and smooth survey experience in your form or survey. Customize the survey for each respondent based on their answers, ensuring they only see and answer relevant questions. Try out the Display Logic feature in BlockSurvey, you'll be amazed at how easy it is to create engaging surveys that get you the quality data you need.

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Alvin George

Alvin George joined as a Data Analytics Engineer at BlockSurvey and is responsible for gathering the needs of the users to implement it in BlockSurvey. He loves to spend his time playing basketball and singing.


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