Am I Pansexual? - Quiz

Blocksurvey blog author
Jul 7, 2023 · 5 mins read

Have you ever been romantically, emotionally attracted to people regardless of their gender and sexual orientation? But still, wondering why?

There are so many broad categories and subcategories that deal with sexual orientations, which might be confusing for many and hard to identify their own. And this blog post will help you identify whether you are pansexual or not.

What is pansexual?

Pansexual people or pansexuality refers to “all” genders and orientations. Also, it includes agender people, i.e., people who don’t really care whether a man or woman comes to relationships.

Pansexuality is choosing a partner without having any criteria based on gender. Though there is a societal awareness now on a large scale based on breaking the norms regarding sexual identities, pansexuality eliminates Gender identity. People can feel sexual attraction to anyone regardless of their sex.

And genders defining sexuality all these years, pansexual people don’t even take that into account and consideration. Research states that this orientation is mostly seen in mature adults. It focuses on human connection out of personality, love rather than connection with criteria such as sexual orientation, gender, and gender identities.

In terms of relationships, a pansexual remains a pansexual regardless of their partner’s gender and orientation.

Pansexual vs Bisexual :

Usually, there is a misconception that Pansexual and Bisexual are the same concepts, but they are not.

 The term Bisexual means, if the person is attracted to more than one gender, it can be male, female, or Nonbinary gender. It is not necessary that bisexual people are attracted to both males and females, but not Nonbinary gender.

It is having a relationship with more than one out of the 3 genders. Many bisexual communities do acknowledge nonbinary people; in fact, many nonbinary people identify as bisexual.

But Pansexual means attracted to “all” genders; there is a difference in saying “I like more than one flavor” and “I like all flavors.” Hope you got the point.

Am I pansexual quiz :

At any point, you might have got confused and felt sexually or romantically attracted to people regardless of gender. If you are pansexual, it might improve the chances of finding a suitable partner. And the pansexual test paves the way for that.

The pansexual test with simple and basic questions helps you in getting rid of the dilemma. This isn’t a diagnosis, but the answers you give can get you some idea of your sexual orientation. If you are attracted to people of all genders or can develop an attraction to people without knowing their pronouns, you have a higher chance of being pansexual.

However, it's important to note that this quiz is not a definitive tool for determining your sexual orientation. It's always best to seek professional advice or do more research if you're unsure.

1. Are you attracted to people regardless of their gender identity?

a) Yes, always

b) Sometimes

c) No, not usually

2. Do you find that personality and emotional connection are more important than physical characteristics when it comes to attraction?

a) Yes, always

b) Sometimes

c) No, not usually

3. Can you be attracted to someone who identifies as non-binary, genderqueer, or genderfluid?

a) Yes, always

b) Sometimes

c) No, not usually

4. Do you feel that gender does not play a significant role in your attraction to others?

a) Yes, always

b) Sometimes

c) No, not usually

5. Are you comfortable with the idea of being in a romantic or sexual relationship with someone of any gender?

a) Yes, always

b) Sometimes

c) No, not usually

6. Do you feel societal pressure to limit your attractions to a specific gender?

a) Yes, often

b) Sometimes

c) No, never


Mostly As: You may identify with being pansexual. You seem to experience attraction to people regardless of their gender identity.

Mostly Bs: You might be somewhere on the spectrum, possibly bi-sexual or fluid, where you sometimes experience attraction to people of various gender identities.

Mostly Cs: You may not identify with being pansexual. You seem to experience attraction with a consideration for gender identity.

Remember, this quiz is a simple tool and can't definitively determine your sexual orientation. If you're questioning, consider reaching out to a mental health professional or a trusted person in your life to discuss your feelings.

Common misconceptions on Pansexuality:

Pansexual is still not familiar with many, and there are many myths and misconceptions regarding the same. Pan refers to all and not “many.”

But pansexual people are often thought of as either polygamous or promiscuous, making it harder for them to understand and realize their orientation.

As this orientation doesn’t have any selection criteria despite being a human, there are tend to be misinterpreted more and often than anyone. And just like not every heterosexual is attracted to their opposite always, pansexuals are also not always hypersexual and attracted to everybody.


There is a misconception about the concepts and differences between bisexual and pansexual. More than the term pansexual, bisexual has been recognized widely, and hence though people are pansexual, they wrap them under cover of bisexuality. This quiz is more than a sexuality quiz that helps you understand who you are deep inside.

Pansexual people will have bisexual attractions, but bisexuals can’t be pansexual too. So it is wise and better to know the subcategory one belongs to.

Am I pansexual quiz simplifies identifying whether you are actually pansexual or lying somewhere between bisexual and heterosexual.

Am I Pansexual? - Quiz FAQ

What is pansexuality?

Pansexuality is a sexual orientation characterized by an attraction to people of all genders, including but not limited to male, female, non-binary, transgender, and gender non-conforming individuals.

Is it important to label my sexual orientation?

Labeling one's sexual orientation is a personal decision and is not necessary for everyone. Some individuals may choose to label their sexual orientation as pansexual as a way to communicate their attraction to different genders, while others

Can a pansexual quiz determine if I am pansexual?

No, a pansexual quiz is not a definitive test and should not be used as the sole basis for identifying as pansexual. These quizzes are intended to provide guidance and help individuals understand their attraction to different genders, but they cannot determine one's sexual orientation.

What are some common questions on a pansexual quiz?

Common questions on a pansexual quiz may include inquiries about one's attraction to different genders, romantic preferences, and sexual desires. These questions may ask you to rate your level of attraction to different genders, describe your ideal partner, and identify your sexual preferences.

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Vimala Balamurugan

Vimala heads the Content and SEO Team at BlockSurvey. She is the curator of all the content that BlockSurvey puts out into the public domain. Blogging, music, and exploring new places around is how she spends most of her leisure time.


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