Token Gated Forms & Surveys for Web 3.0 Companies

Blocksurvey blog author
Written by Wilson Bright
Apr 29, 2024 · 5 mins read

The Need for Token-Gated Forms & Surveys

In the interconnected labyrinth of the digital age, the need to truly understand one's audience has never been more paramount. Gone are the days when generic surveys and forms could garner genuine and actionable insights. As businesses become more digital-native, the necessity to evolve and adapt our methodologies for feedback collection becomes evident. With the rise of Web 3.0 or the decentralized internet, we are witnessing a shift in how companies interact and engage with their audience.

Web 3.0 brings with it the unique proposition of blockchain, digital tokens, and decentralized assets. And it's not just about cryptocurrencies or financial transactions. The integration of digital tokens in audience interaction mechanisms, such as Token Gated Forms & Surveys, is setting the stage for a new kind of audience engagement. Instead of treating every respondent the same, businesses now have the capability to segment and personalize interactions based on ownership or interaction with specific digital assets – be it Fungible or Non-Fungible tokens.

Imagine a world where feedback isn't just generalized but is curated from niche communities who share a vested interest in the product or service due to their token ownership or affiliation. Such precision in segmentation not only amplifies the relevance of the feedback but also transforms it into a strategic tool that can drive business decisions. This is the promise that BlockSurvey makes for Web 3.0 companies using Token Gated Forms & Surveys. They aren’t just about data collection but about forging a deeper, more meaningful connection with the decentralized digital world's inhabitants.

Benefits of Token Gated Forms & Surveys

Token-gated forms and surveys can be a powerful tool for collecting targeted feedback from your Web 3.0 audience. By using this method, you can ensure that the feedback you receive is representative of your target market, leading to better decision-making and more effective product development.

Understanding Token Gating

Token gating, prevalent in Web3 and blockchain ecosystems, restrict access to digital or physical content, services, events, or spaces based on specific token or cryptocurrency ownership. This practice harnesses blockchain technology's capabilities to verify digital asset ownership securely and transparently.

How Token Gating Works

  1. Ownership Verification: Accessing token-gated services or content requires individuals to prove ownership of specific tokens or NFTs (non-fungible tokens) stored in digital wallets.
  2. Blockchain Check: When a user attempts to access the gated content, the system verifies token ownership by checking the blockchain for the required tokens in the user's wallet, ensuring security and transparency.
  3. Access Granted or Denied: If token ownership is confirmed, access is granted; otherwise, it's denied. This automated process ensures efficiency and scalability without manual intervention.

How to use BlockSurvey as a Token Gated Form and Survey tool

  1. Network selection: Choose your network to start with. We support Bitcoin and Stacks today. More networks coming soon. Once the network is selected, choose between Fungible vs Non Fungible. This can be done from the Gating tab available under the network in selection. 
  2. Select token for gating: Choose the token you want to use for gating. We have added the tokens and their contract of the most active projects from the network to get started real quick. Few projects on Stacks Network includes CityCoinsCrashPunksALEX DeFiSigle are available to use. Incase if you want to add your own project, choose the 'Other' option to add your token name, contract name and minimum holdings. For Bitcoin Network, BTC as FT and Ordinals for NFTs are added. More support BRC20, .sats are coming soon. 
  3. Adding Custom Tokens: If you have a project that is not listed, use the 'other' option: Contract Name, Token Name, Token Decimals, and Minimum Holdings Value. This ensures your form or survey is gated based on your token. Contract Name is the identifier for a specific smart contract on a blockchain. Token Name is the descriptive label for a particular cryptocurrency or token. Token Decimals are the smallest divisible unit or precision level of a token. Minimum holding value is the least amount of a token or asset one must hold to meet a specific requirement or criteria.
  4. Once setup, Publish itOnce everything is set, publish it and share the URL of the form or survey from the 'Share' screen.
  5. Submission of response: When respondents answer the form or survey, they sign in using the network's wallet. For Stacks and Bitcoin, we support Hiro and Xverse wallet. Similarly, we support major wallets like Metamask, Phantom for Ethereum, Polygon, Binance, and Solana. Upon signing a message, no transactions are made on the chain. We use the network API using the wallet to check for holdings. If holdings are met, we let the user submit, or else users cannot submit. Note: For EVM-based chains, BlockSurvey supports further checks for delegation through and; by this, your audience can safely use a delegated warm wallet rather than a cold wallet for participating in gated forms & surveys.  

What are some Use Cases for Token Gating in Forms & Surveys

  1. Protocol Upgrades & Feedback: Layer 1 blockchains can solicit feedback on protocol upgrades, ensuring that only informed and relevant participants, such as stakers or developers, provide insights. Collect feedback by setting up the minimum threshold of tokens. e.g., 1 or 100.
  2. DApp Developer Experience: Both Layer 1 blockchains and DeFi platforms can utilize gated surveys to collect feedback from developers, ensuring a seamless experience and understanding of what tools or resources they require using their Web 3 identity.
  3. Governance & Voting: DAOs and Layer 1 blockchains can streamline the proposal and voting process using token-gated forms, ensuring participation is from genuine stakeholders. Currently, BlockSurvey offers scalable, low-cost off-chain solutions. If you are looking at on chain, check out - an open source tool created by team BlockSurvey. 
  4. Artist & Collector Feedback for NFT Platforms: NFT platforms can release token-gated surveys for artists and collectors, gathering targeted feedback about platform features, royalties, or upcoming events.
  5. Membership & Community Engagement: DAOs or Layer 1 projects can utilize token-gated forms to vet membership applications or engage genuine community members for exclusive AMAs, content, or other community events.
  6. Security & Bug Reporting: Layer 1 blockchains and DeFi platforms can use gated forms as discreet channels for developers or participants to report potential security vulnerabilities, ensuring only qualified entities provide input. Also, rewards can distributed to the Web 3 identity collected at the time of submission. 
  7. Airdrop Sign-ups & Exclusive Offers: Projects across DeFi, DAOs, and Layer 1 can use gated forms to identify eligible recipients for token airdrops or exclusive token-based offers.
  8. Whitelist and Allowlist creation: Projects can build a whitelist based on namespaces or gating through other projects tokens to qualify for whitelist or allowlist(helpful if you are doing collaborations with other projects). This enables you to collect a qualified audience for the presales and public sale of your tokens.
  9. Waitlist creation: If you are a Web 3.0 project and looking to build a waitlist, you can gate the waitlist by minimum holdings on the network you want to launch with. This helps you to build an audience list, who are vetted through their holdings, indirectly meaning more serious members of the network are willing to participate or have skin in the game to participate in your project. 

Conclusion: BlockSurvey as a Web 3.0 form & survey tool

The digital realm is increasingly being dominated by Web 3.0 technologies, opening doors to decentralized and trustless engagements. In this setting, understanding your audience becomes paramount. This is where Token Gated Forms & Surveys help in harnessing feedback from your audience. 

BlockSurvey is acutely aware of the modern needs of Forms & Surveys for Web 3.0 Companies. By integrating Web 3.0 and token-based gating, BlockSurvey offers data collection solutions focused on Web 3.0 vertical; it pioneers in the third wave of data collection in the Web 3.0 space. When you explore the Web 3.0 world, remember BlockSurvey is here to help with your data collection.

Interested in Ordinals token gating? Experience it firsthand with BlockSurvey and unlock targeted feedback collection within decentralized communities. Embrace the future of audience interaction.

Token Gated Forms & Surveys for Web 3.0 Companies FAQ

What is Web 3.0?

Web3, or Web 3.0, refers to the next generation of internet technology that leverages blockchain and decentralized networks.

How is Web 3.0 different from traditional web in terms of forms and surveys?

Web 3.0 forms and surveys can leverage blockchain technology for verification and can be tied to digital identities or tokens, adding an extra layer of security and privacy.

How does Web 3.0 technology enhance the expertise of forms and surveys for Web 3.0 companies?

Web 3.0 technology allows for more sophisticated data collection and verification techniques, which can improve the accuracy and reliability of the information gathered from Web 3.0 natives and audience.

What is the role of digital identity in Token Gated Forms & Surveys?

Digital identity can be used to grant access to the forms and surveys, ensuring only authorized users can participate, and can also facilitate the secure collection and storage of data. Decentralized namespaces like .btc(BNS) and ENS namespaces can be used to gate the data collection.

What is the future of Token Gated Forms & Surveys?

The future of Token gated forms and surveys is likely to involve further integration with decentralized networks and digital identities, leading to more secure and personalized user experiences in the data collection space. Rewards for time, value during engagement can offered in a web 3 way. Like distributing token rewards, NFT rewards to name a few.

Does BlockSurvey support delegation for warm/hot wallets?

Yes. We support delegation in the EVM chain through and

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Wilson Bright

Wilson Bright is the co-founder of BlockSurvey. He is an avid crypto enthusiast, and his vision is to make BlockSurvey a go-to infrastructure for data collection with a focus on privacy and security.


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