Top 10 Customer Feedback Tools

Blocksurvey blog author
Nov 13, 2023 · 5 mins read

I would like to start this writing with a real story.

A supermarket was selling a bread named “Tiger bread.” A customer bought Tiger bread for his 3-and-a-half-year-old child. The child saw Tiger bread and felt that the surface of the bread was not like the stripes of a Tiger rather it was like the blotches of a giraffe.

The child wrote a letter to the supermarket manager. It said the Tiger bread should be called Giraffe bread instead. The manager felt that the child was right, and renaming it to Giraffe Bread made sense. From then on, this particular bread carried the “Giraffe Bread” name board in the supermarket. There was great appreciation for the supermarket for this prompt customer service.

This story exemplifies excellent customer service, which comes only by listening to customer feedback. It also highlights the importance of customer feedback for any business.

There are excellent online tools that can help you receive customer feedback. In this writing, I discuss the top customer feedback tools, starting with BlockSurvey.


BlockSurvey understands well the need for customer feedback and how it provides growth for any business. BlockSurvey has 40+ built-in templates created to improve the customer experience. I suggest you browse this Customer Experience page created to discuss their role in enhancing customer experience.

BlockSurvey has a series of blogs on customer experience. You can read those blogs to get inspiration and receive a direction in your journey to improve customer experience. These blogs give insight into Net Promoter, Customer Satisfaction, and Customer Effort Scores.

When receiving customer feedback, staying true to your brand is crucial. BlockSurvey can help you achieve this by enabling you to customize your brand characteristics, such as brand color, font, theme, and color. Branding gives your customers a sense of trust when taking the feedback survey.

You can host the customer survey in your custom website domain. You can embed the survey in your website; you can include the survey as a widget. Besides the discussed features, BlockSurvey has many other features to increase your customer experience. I suggest you try the free plan; you will love using it.


  • Standard: 24$ per month
  • Premium: 40$ per month
  • Team: 55$ per month
  • Enterprise: Request demo

G2 Rating

  • 4.8 out of 5.0


InMoment is a 20-year-old company excelling in what they do, with customers from leading banks, hospitals, retail stores, and more. They are committed to improving customer experience through an ROI-focused approach. They provide social reputation management services in addition to receiving customer feedback.

Customer churn is a painful emotional experience for any business. InMoment helps reduce customer churn by closely paying attention to each customer's feedback and providing points of action based on the analyzed feedback data. This also helps to gain a reduction in operating costs for your business.

InMoment is supporting over 3000+ brands all over the world. Since they are an experienced player in the customer feedback industry, they are doing a good job based on their experience. The user interface is intuitive, and a beginner will easily learn to use the product.

Although there are no pricing details on the website, expensive pricing is a general opinion. The pricing is not suitable for a small business; it is apt for top-notch Fortune 500 companies. Also, specific customizations to suit your needs will need coding and technical expertise, which is a downside of the product.


  • No Pricing details on the website. Request a demo and get custom pricing.

G2 Rating

  • 4.7 out of 5.0


AskNicely claims that they are the nicest way to improve customer experience. They are well positioned to receive Net Promoter Scores, CSAT scores, and Customer Effort scores. The feedback can be obtained through Email and SMS channels.

AskNicely connects and transfers data to many top-notch applications and CRMs in the industry. They connect with Qualtrics, Slack, Azure, and more. The integration feature saves a lot of time. The product has a team feature, which enables collaboration and easy communication within the team, which handles customer experience.

The native integration is required for a few ticketing platforms like ServiceNow. It requires downloading CSV and mailing it to the ticketing team for data transfer, which may be strenuous for the team. The mobile application lacks a few auto-save options and requires updating.

G2 has over 900 reviews; please take some time to browse them on G2’s AskNicely page. You can watch the reviews of other competitors. This will help you make an educated and informed decision. The customer success team does well and makes you feel you belong.


  • Starter: Request estimate.
  • Standard: Talk to sales.
  • Advance: Talk to sales.

G2 Rating

  • 4.7 out of 5.0


GetFeedback is a product of Survey Monkey. Avoiding customer churn, improving customer loyalty, and increasing customer retention are a few things that drive GetFeedback. Overall, they manage customer experience and help clients focus on core customer experience.

How often do you receive honest feedback about your business's website or mobile app quality? GetFeedback helps you get feedback about your website and mobile app. This genre of customer feedback helps increase the quality of your applications.

The platform does not seem to offer a free trial, which I think is a downside of the platform. They don’t have many integrations with other applications, for I believe the product was purpose-built to interact with SalesForce.

The User Interface plays an essential role in the success of any product. They have recently made a user interface upgrade. A review in G2 says, “I don’t get the earlier intuitive user experience after their UI upgrade.” I hope they revert to an even more intuitive UI in their next upgrade.


  • Direct: Talk to sales
  • Digital: Talk to sales
  • Complete: Talk to sales

G2 Rating

  • 4.5 out of 5.0


UserReport is another customer engagement tool from our list. The simplicity and usability of UserReport speak for themselves. It does not have many features, but it has a survey widget and a feedback widget that can be integrated into your website. If you want a simple customer experience solution, you can go for UserReport.

The easy-to-use interface fuels happiness for your customers when they provide feedback. You can customize the questions to receive any kind of demographic information. And on the data and site analytics part, it supports Google Analytics integration.

Customers report that UserRepot has different apps for various purposes. Using all these apps for which they charge and using those collectively increases the bill amount. Customers would have been happy if a single pricing system was available on their website.

UserReport has a good customer base. It helps intelligent companies to build better products and better brands. It gives insight into visitors’ digital brand experience and how the website meets the user’s demands for quality.


  • No pricing details on the website. Talk to sales.

G2 Rating

  • 4.5 out of 5.0


HotJar is another customer feedback tool. It also specializes in website analytics. HotJar has 1260000+ customers serving in over 180 countries. It is a long-serving company, and its employees are called HotJarians. Now, the company has over 200+ HotJarians from the Americas, Europe, and Africa.

HotJar has a product named Feedback. It is used to collect a stream of new ideas, find out why your users are frustrated, capture very precise feedback, spot underperforming pages, and get more confident with the content and context of your webpage. It kind of helps to improve your webpage through customer feedback.

There is a general opinion that HotJar has limited features compared to its competitors. The price seems expensive for the features it provides. The dashboard experience may be cluttered at times. It contains all the valuable stuff, but you need to rummage.

Hotjar facilitates user feedback collection through customizable surveys and feedback polls. You can target specific pages or segments of your audience, gaining valuable insights directly from your users. This feedback helps you uncover issues, collect suggestions, and make data-driven decisions to enhance your website's effectiveness.


  • Plus: 32$ per month
  • Business: 80$ per month
  • Scale: 171$ per month

G2 Rating

  • 4.3 out of 5.0


CustomerSure is an award-winning customer feedback software. The insights you receive from customer feedback help to improve processes, reduce costs, and, most of all, reduce churn. Customer feedback helps you calculate the Net Promoter and Customer Satisfaction scores.

CustomerSure has a perfect customer base. The customers include GBG, KK Wind Solutions, Marmalade, Digital Marketing Institute, Connect Housing, Philips, and more. It has helpful blog resources to draw inspiration. The blogs cover various topics, from Customer feedback to Customer Satisfaction.

CustomerSure has only one review in G2. I found this when I rushed to see what the reviewer disliked about CustomerSure. The platform is slower since it's updated, and few actions have been made, which is very complicated and time-consuming.

Guy Letts is the co-founder and CEO of CustomerSure, a specialist in software platforms to attract and retain more customers. He launched the company in 2010 following senior roles at Logica, Speedwing, and Sage.


  • CX Starter: 299£ per month
  • CX Pro: 499£ per month
  • CX Pro-plus: 1299£ per month
  • CX Enterprise: 2499£ per month

G2 Rating

  • 3.5 out of 5.0


TrustMary is a review and customer feedback tool. The surveys are used to request reviews. Receiving customer feedback is easy with TrustMary, as it is with other competitors. You choose the right template, distribute it in the right channels, and collect the information you need.

TrustMary was founded in 2016. They are headquartered in Finland but work with tens of thousands of customers from over 100 countries. Johannes Karjula is the founder and CEO of Trust Mary. The platform is multifunctional and serves the need to achieve a great customer experience.

What’s the primary function of TrustMary? Trustmary helps you get more customers directly from your website with the help of Reviews That Matter. Show the right reviews at the right time, in the right place, in the right way, to the right visitor. Collect reviews that matter – automatically and efficiently. In addition, it also helps gather customer feedback and measure customer satisfaction.

One customer, Eemi reported that the output is generated in Excel format. He instead needs the output reports to be developed in visually appealing PDFs. I am not sure if the PDF output option is implemented; however, if it is not, I hope TrustMary does it soon.


  • Starter: 19$ per month
  • Business: 59$ per month
  • Scale: 129$ per month

G2 Rating

  • 4.6 out of 5.0


Refiner is a remote company that provides customer feedback solutions. The founder of Refiner saw the need for customer feedback for modern companies while working in one of his earlier ventures. This led to the founding of Refiner, a customer feedback tool for modern companies.

The product has a solid customer base across industries like SaaS, FinTech, EdTech, and Marketplaces. Some of its most notable customers are CopyAI & SEO Monitor. Paul Yacoubian, the founder of CopyAI, says, “The product is easy to install, adds tons of value, with zero hassle.”

It has really good integration with other essential applications. The dashboard may be clunky sometimes. The user interface could have been better. Viewing data after data collection is better than other applications. The customer service could have been better.

Launch NPS, CSAT, CES, PMF, and other customer feedback surveys quickly. Get more responses with the help of highly customizable in-app widgets. You have the option to automate actions based on answers. Try the free trial before moving on to paid plans.


  • Essentials: 79$ per month
  • Growth: 199$ per month
  • Enterprise: Talk to sales

G2 Rating

  • 4.5 out of 5.0


Looka, a logo maker tool, is a popular customer of the Survicate, yet another customer feedback tool from my list. Looka implemented Survicate in 2017 and has been using it ever since. Looka used Survicate to increase its purchase conversion rate, get a continuous inflow of customer success stories, and drive its customer partner program.

There are many positive reviews for the product from G2. A few points are easy-to-use, foolproof, powerful, feature-rich, user-friendly interface, intuitive dashboards, customizable, and Intuitive. Some of their top customers are IKEA, Spotify, and Hubspot.


Survicate has many 1-click native integrations with other top platforms. A few well-known integrations include Google Analytics, Google Sheets, Intercom, MailChimp, SalesForce, Slack, Zapier, and Zendesk. These integrations have very well-fetched customers all around the world.

Few customers complain that Survicate should have well-maintained forums for providing updates about its new features. The basic plan has limited question types, and the pricing may be expensive for small businesses and freelancers.


  • Starter: 53$ per month
  • Business: 117$ per month
  • Enterprise: Talk to sales

G2 Rating

  • 4.6 out of 5.0

As a Final Point

As I transition towards the conclusion of this piece, I feel it's important to bring your attention back to the initial story I shared at the beginning of this writing. Within this story, I explored a tale that underscored the critical role that managing customer feedback plays within any business structure. This story serves as a tangible reminder of how crucial it is to listen to, analyze, and action on the insights received from your customer feedback.

As we are witnessing companies make their transition into the modern, digital-driven era, it has become clear that the necessity of employing customer feedback tools is no longer a luxury, but rather a mandatory requirement.

Harnessing the power of customer feedback is vital for any business's growth and improvement. With an array of online tools available, businesses can now gather, analyze, and act upon customer feedback more effectively than ever. That being said, every tool comes with its own set of features, strengths, and limitations. Therefore, choosing the right tool should be guided by your specific needs, budget, and business size. Whether you're a small start-up or a large corporation, there's a customer feedback tool out there that can help you leverage your customer's insights, improve their experience, and ultimately drive your business forward.

Thus, as we move forward, let us not forget the lessons learned from the story told and the tools discussed in this writing.

It’s me saying bye(Sayonara) in Japanese → さようなら

Top 10 Customer Feedback Tools FAQ

What are customer feedback tools?

Customer feedback tools are software platforms or applications that enable businesses to collect, analyze, and manage feedback from their customers.

Why are customer feedback tools important?

Customer feedback tools help businesses understand their customers' needs, improve their products or services, and enhance overall customer satisfaction.

How can customer feedback tools highlight expertise?

Customer feedback tools can showcase the expertise of a business by providing a platform for customers to share their opinions, suggestions, and ideas, allowing the company to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of their industry.

How do customer feedback tools contribute to authoritativeness?

Customer feedback tools allow businesses to gather feedback from a large number of customers, giving them a comprehensive view of their customers' experiences. This data can establish the authority of the company in addressing customer concerns and making improvements.

How can customer feedback tools improve customer satisfaction?

Customer feedback tools allow businesses to identify areas for improvement, address customer concerns promptly, and tailor their offerings to better meet customer needs, ultimately leading to increased customer satisfaction.

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Sarath Shyamson

Sarath Shyamson is the customer success person at BlockSurvey and also heads the outreach. He enjoys volunteering for the church choir.


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