
Survey On Sexual Abuse

This survey is designed to help us better understand the prevalence of sexual abuse in our community. The term "sexual abuse" refers to any unwanted sexual touching, whether it is fondling, rape, or another type of sexual assault. This survey is anonymous and confidential.

2 minutes to complete


The survey is open to all individuals who have experienced sexual abuse.


Questions for Survey On Sexual Abuse



How old were you when you first experienced sexual abuse?

The answer should be a text input.

How often did the sexual abuse occur?

The answer should be a single choice:
  1. Every day
  2. A few times a week
  3. About once a week
  4. A few times a month
  5. Once a month
  6. Less than once a month

Was the sexual abuse physical, emotional, or both?

The answer should be a single choice:
  1. Physical
  2. Emotional
  3. Both

Who was the abuser?

The answer should be a text input.

How did the sexual abuse make you feel?

The answer should be a text input.

Have you ever told anyone about sexual abuse?

The answer should be a single choice:
  1. Yes
  2. No

If you told someone about the sexual abuse, how did they react?

The answer should be a text input.

Have you ever sought counseling or therapy for sexual abuse?

The answer should be a single choice:
  1. Yes
  2. No

How has the sexual abuse affected your life?

The answer should be a text input.

Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience with sexual abuse?

The answer should be a text input.

Surveys Similar to Survey On Sexual Abuse

  • Survey on Sexual Assault
  • Survey on Sexual Harassment
  • Survey on Sexual Victimization
  • Survey on Sexual Violence
  • Survey on Sexual Assault Prevention

Here are some FAQs and additional information
Survey On Sexual Abuse

What is sexual abuse?

Sexual abuse is any form of sexual violence, including rape, child molestation, incest, and sexual harassment.

Who is most likely to be sexually abused?

There is no one type of person who is more likely to be sexually abused than another. Anyone can be a victim of sexual abuse, regardless of age, gender, race, or economic status.

How does sexual abuse happen?

Sexual abuse can happen in a number of ways. It can be perpetrated by a stranger, acquaintance, or family member. It can happen through force or coercion, or when the victim is unable to give consent due to intoxication or mental incapacity.

What are the consequences of sexual abuse?

Sexual abuse can have a number of physical and psychological consequences for victims. These can include injuries, sexually transmitted diseases, pregnancy, anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and substance abuse

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