12 privacy-focused search engines for 2024

Blocksurvey blog author
Jan 3, 2024 · 3 mins read

Privacy is a significant concern for most internet users in this digital age.

Search engines, which collect and store large amounts of personal data, have come under scrutiny for their data collection practices.

Want to safeguard yourself from these intrusive search engines? Don't worry; there are search engines that give importance to privacy. These privacy-focused search engines act as an alternative to intrusive mainstream search engines.

Before diving to discuss privacy-focused search engines, first let us try to understand what are privacy-focused search engines.

What is privacy-focused search engine?

Privacy-focused search engines are search engines that prioritize user privacy by taking measures to protect user data. Unlike traditional search engines, which often track and store user data for advertising and other purposes, privacy-focused search engines typically do not collect user data or serve personalized ads. Privacy-focused search engines differ from traditional ones by not collecting or storing user data, using encryption to protect searches, and not serving personalized ads. They avoid tracking user activity or sharing data with third parties, and do not store IP addresses or use cookies for tracking purposes

One of the primary ways that privacy-focused search engines differ from traditional search engines is in their use of encryption. Many privacy-focused search engines use encryption to protect user searches from being intercepted or monitored by third parties, such as ISPs or government agencies. Furthermore, to bolster the user's privacy and protection, using a multiple devices VPN service alongside these search engines can ensure secure browsing across various platforms and devices.

Privacy-focused search engines also often employ other measures to protect user privacy, such as not storing IP addresses, not tracking user activity across multiple sites, and not sharing user data with third-party advertisers or data brokers.

Overall, the main goal of privacy-focused search engines is to provide users with a way to search the internet without sacrificing their privacy or being subjected to invasive tracking and data collection practices.

In this article, we will be discussing twelve privacy-focused search engines that you can use in 2023.


Mojeek is a privacy-focused search engine that does not track or personalize search results. It upholds user privacy by not storing personal information or search history. Instead of showing ads based on personal data, Mojeek delivers unbiased search results. With its own web crawler and index, it offers a unique alternative to data-driven search engines.


Brave is a privacy-oriented search engine integrated into the Brave browser. It does not track or profile users, ensuring a high level of privacy. By avoiding personal data collection and offering unbiased search results, it prioritizes user privacy over targeted advertising. Leveraging an independent index, Brave Search offers a user-friendly, privacy-respecting alternative to conventional search engines.


StartPage is another popular privacy-focused search engine that allows users to search anonymously. The search engine uses Google's search algorithm to deliver search results while protecting users' privacy. StartPage also offers a proxy service that allows users to view websites without revealing their IP address.


Oscobo is a privacy-focused search engine that does not collect or store user data. The search engine uses a combination of human curation and algorithmic filtering to deliver search results that are free from personalized tracking. Oscobo also offers a feature that allows users to search for news articles that are not covered by mainstream media.


MetaGer is a German search engine that prioritizes user privacy. The search engine does not collect or store user data and delivers search results that are free from personalized tracking. MetaGer also offers a feature that allows users to view the sources of each search result, making it easier to verify the accuracy of the information.


Peekier is a privacy-focused search engine that offers a unique visual search experience. The search engine does not track user data and delivers search results that are free from personalized tracking. Peekier also offers a feature that allows users to view a preview of each search result, making it easier to find the information they need.


Gibiru is a search engine that offers anonymous and uncensored search results. The search engine does not track or store user data and delivers search results that are free from personalized tracking. Gibiru also offers a feature that allows users to search for news articles that are not covered by mainstream media.


Swisscows is a privacy-focused search engine that does not collect or store user data. The search engine uses semantic technology to deliver search results that are free from personalized tracking. Swisscows also offers a child-friendly version of its search engine, making it an excellent option for families with young children.


WolframAlpha is a computational knowledge engine that is designed to deliver factual information to users. The search engine does not collect user data and delivers results that are free from personalized tracking. WolframAlpha is particularly useful for users looking for answers to factual questions and can be a valuable tool for students and researchers.


Qwant is a European search engine that prioritizes user privacy. The search engine does not collect or share user data and delivers search results that are free from personalized tracking. Qwant also offers a unique feature that allows users to search for music, movies, and books directly from the search bar.


Searx is a free and open-source search engine that is designed to protect user privacy. The search engine does not store user data, and users can choose which search engines Searx uses to deliver search results. Searx also has an option to enable Tor support, which can further enhance user privacy.


DuckDuckGo is a well-known privacy-focused search engine that has been gaining popularity in recent years. The search engine does not track or collect user data and offers a clean and straightforward interface. DuckDuckGo also has a feature that allows users to see the privacy grade of a website they are visiting, which can help users make informed decisions about which sites to trust.

In the end

In conclusion, as privacy concerns continue to grow, the demand for privacy-focused search engines is on the rise. The above list of 12 privacy-focused search engines provides users with the option to search the web without worrying about their personal data being collected and sold to advertisers. Each search engine offers its unique features, but all prioritize user privacy and data protection. Additionally, users can enhance their online security by employing password managers, which securely store and manage their various login credentials. This practice, coupled with the use of privacy-focused search engines, significantly bolsters online privacy and security. Whether you are concerned about targeted ads, government surveillance, or simply want to browse the web without leaving a trace, there is a privacy-focused search engine that can meet your needs.

As we move forward, it is likely that more privacy-focused search engines will emerge, and existing ones will continue to evolve and improve. With data breaches and privacy violations becoming increasingly common, it is important to be mindful of the information we share online and the ways in which our personal data is being used. By using privacy-focused search engines, we can take an active role in protecting our online privacy and security.

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12 privacy-focused search engines for 2024 FAQ

What are the benefits of using a privacy-focused search engine?

The main benefit of using a privacy-focused search engine is that your data is not being tracked or used to target you with ads. This means that you have more control over the information you provide and who has access to it. Additionally, privacy-focused search engines often provide more accurate and relevant search results, as they are not influenced by advertising.

What are the most popular privacy-focused search engines?

Some popular privacy-focused search engines include DuckDuckGo, StartPage, and Searx. Each of these search engines has its own features and benefits, so it's important to compare them to determine which one is right for you.

What is the difference between a privacy-focused search engine and a regular search engine?

A regular search engine collects and stores user data, such as search queries and browsing history. A privacy-focused search engine does not collect and store this data, instead relying on encryption to protect it.

Are privacy-focused search engines secure?

Yes, privacy-focused search engines do not track your browsing data, making them more secure than regular search engines. Moreover, they neither create a filter bubble i.e. do not provide information that conforms to or reinforces your beliefs caused by algorithms.

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Sarath Shyamson

Sarath Shyamson is the customer success person at BlockSurvey and also heads the outreach. He enjoys volunteering for the church choir.


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